Seminários em Neurociências 2011.1

Segunda-feira 27/06/2011 10:50h Sala 2 – Escola de Ciência e Tecnologia


The many cycles of gamma: Role of neuronal synchronization in perceptual organization

Prof. Sergio Neuenschwander (Instituto do Cérebro - UFRN; Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research)

Gamma-band synchronization is abundant in nervous systems. Typically, the strength or precision of gamma-band synchronization is studied. However, the precise phase with which individual neurons are synchronized to the gamma-band rhythm might have interesting consequences for their impact on further processing and for spike timing-dependent plasticity. In this talk, we will discuss gamma-phase shifting and its interesting consequences for neuronal coding, competition, and plasticity.

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Local: Sala 2 – 1º. andar - Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia / UFRN

Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova, 59078-970 - Natal - RN

Tel: +55 (84) 3217-0003 / 4008-0003 (IINN-ELS / CPN)


Notícia cadastrada em: 25/06/2011 22:52
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