Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 28/02/2019
HORA: 14:30
LOCAL: Auditório D do CCHLA

Inventions and reinventions of the self: Visibility, Narcissism and Performance on Instagram


Eu-selfie; Instagram; Visibility; Performance; Narcissism.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Sociologia
SUBÁREA: Sociologia Urbana

The incorporation of digital technologies of information and communication in our social environment has made us re-signify several aspects of social life and corroborated the emergence of new ways of experiencing time and space. The registration of self-portraits through the front-end cameras of smartphones and their dissemination in social media made available in the mobile applications caused not only the popularization of self-images, digital photographs of themselves, but also the adoption of public attitudes and social behaviors which correspond to the constant recording and dissemination of self-images. In this sense, we follow the self-image path in the Instagram social platform through the hashtag "selfie" for a month up to the present moment, so that we observe on average two thousand selfies and select among them a hundred selfies by the criteria referring repetition in which they appeared , and the standardized form in which they were presented. The second moment of the research is still in the initial phase, but began in September 2018 with the first observations and photos captured, and further investigation of the legal procedures of image right is needed, so that they could be divulged. The locations chosen range from squares, beach, malls, restaurants, and other randomly chosen spaces. Our objective was to observe face-to-face performances and photographic representations of different people in different social spaces at the moment they are photographing for this purpose and compare the observed with the selfies that circulate in Instagram. We seek to analyze people's body postures while they are being photographed (gestures, attitudes, interactions with others and surroundings) and photographic visibilities (what kind of selfies circulate on Instagram, what they show and what they hide). The intention is to perceive the possible creation of "imagined selves" and / or desired in this digital social network and what meanings originate from its virtual or performative visibility, in order to understand the representative and performative biases that arise from the postures at the time of capture of the selfies. We also seek to understand if there are self-representational patterns in connection with other forms of social performance, such as female / male behavior, class behavior, religion, etc., search for visibility and other social relationships. So far, when analyzing the selected selfies, we have been able to highlight some patterns of self-representation, which is the case of slenderness, a socially disseminated requirement for valuing a body as perfect. Self-capture sites are also repeated, with photos in front of the mirror, bathrooms, gyms, or trips and walks common. The observation of self-in-situ captures has shown that, in addition to the realization that self-images are narcissistic icons of incessant search and exacerbated by visibility and social recognition, in-person performances seem to distance themselves from the "imagined selves" in the selfies digitally shared by adoption of caricature positions that contradict simulated perfection in social media. As a support for research, theoretical reflections and articulations with empiria, we use the ideas of Norval Baitello (2010; 2014); Vilém Flusser (1985); Michel Serres (2013) among others.

Presidente - 6348127 - JOSIMEY COSTA DA SILVA
Interno - 008.055.544-67 - FAGNER TORRES DE FRANÇA - UFRN
Externo ao Programa - 2312564 - DANIEL RODRIGO MEIRINHO DE SOUZA
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/02/2019 14:31
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