Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 25/02/2021
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: sala virtual

Oppressed, marked and repressed bodies, the experience in art, giving a new meaning to these bodies


Body. Art. Resignification. Learning. School.

PAGES: 105
BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

The present work aims to observe, analyze, reflect and discuss with the student
about their marked, oppressed, conflicted and resignified bodies in the public school
space with a focus on teaching Art and its different languages - Theater, Dance,
Music and Visual Arts, from various theatrical experiences: “What do you have to do
with corruption?”, “Paulo Freire o Educador”, and seven montages of shows with the
theme of workers' rights and duties, a project idealized and executed by the Ministry
of I work here in Rio Grande do Norte, involving several schools in the capital. During
seven years, many students were given opportunities to do theater, and finally, the
electronic game “The Sims”, in the theater scene, culminated in the completion of the
Professional Master in Art. Appropriating this transformative tool that is the teaching
of Art in public schools, the aim is to progressively guide the student in a human way,
in the construction of ethical, aesthetic and citizen values and concepts, allowing the
student to become an autonomous subject and builder of their own social and
corporal history. We thought about how to make it possible, through the teaching of
Art, to experience human and creative relationships with all those who attend school,
contributing to this student being emotional, having pleasure and happiness in
learning, and that this learning has meaning and that it be apprehended through
visceral, singular, integral experiences and with support in pedagogical,
methodological, creative, playful and significant mechanisms, giving a new meaning
to a body full of oppressive marks and conflicts arising from family life and an
oppressive society. For this, we seek theoretical support in Freire (2004), Bertherat
(2010), Bernstein (2010), Guénon (2003), Barbosa (2002), Reverbel (2007) and Boal
(2019). In this way, the research has a qualitative nature, with the final products of
this scientific article and a pedagogical proposal for a theater show inspired by the
“Marked, Oppressed, Conflicted and Resignified Bodies” at school and in life, and
through the appropriation of the game “The Sims”, together with the students, build a
show with the same title. It should be noted, therefore, the possibility of a collective
where it is possible to present these students with other ways of thinking, living,
existing in their context and around the school.

Externo à Instituição - DJAKSON DA ROCHA BEZERRA
Interno - 1958705 - MARCILIO DE SOUZA VIEIRA
Presidente - 221.918.794-20 - MARINEIDE FURTADO CAMPOS - UFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 03/02/2021 15:26
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