Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 12/09/2018
HORA: 09:00

INNOVATIVE POLICIES AND ADOPTION OF INNOVATIONS: characteristics and elements that influence the adoption of public policies for domestic animals in the perception of public actors and users


Innovation; Innovation in the Public Sector; Innovative Policies; Domestic animals; Animal Rights.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Administração

For this thesis, the fundamental interest is the understanding of innovation in the public sector, specifically the understanding of the characteristics of the innovative policies and of the elements that influence the adoption of these policies for the public management, represented by the public actors, and for the users. The characteristics are the attributes of the innovation itself, that is, if it is a new, interactive, contextual, disseminating policy, which represents change among others (BORINS, 2001; FARAH, 1997; SPINK, 2006). By elements, it means all aspects that precede the adoption of an innovation. Rogers (1983) presents a dense study in his work Diffusion of Innovations to explain several elements related to the adoption of an innovation in its model of innovation decision, such as: the situation before innovation; the needs and problems of a particular location; the social system in which innovation is adopted; the ways of communication development and the predispositions of individuals. The Special Secretariat for Animal Rights of Porto Alegre (SEDA-POA), created in 2011, is an empirical field; and the Executive Secretariat for the Rights of Animals of Recife (SEDA-REC), created in 2013 is our second field. The policies implemented by these secretariats are considered as an innovation in national public management, since they believe that the animal itself has the right to policies and that these secretariats are also pioneers in Brazil. Thus, this research intends to meet the following general objective: to compare if the characteristics of the innovative policies and the elements that influenced the adoption of these policies are similar in the perception of the public actors and the users of Porto Alegre and Recife. The theoretical framework presents some concepts of innovation, some typologies of innovations specific to the public sector, a framework containing an understanding among characteristics of innovative policies and the elements that influence the adoption of an innovation. Next, the ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions of the research are presented. Semi-structured and open interviews were conducted, totaling 39 interviews: 8 with public actors and 31 with users of the policies. The method of analysis consisted of content analysis, categorical technique (BARDIN, 2011), with the support of IRAMUTEQ Software. The first results are the description of the textual statistics of the interviews of the public actors. The corpus of the public actors of Porto Alegre was classified by IRAMUTEQ in two themes, which were named Public Management and Animal Welfare. In the same way, the corpus of the public actors of Recife was divided into two themes by the software, which were named Public Management and Policies respectively. The theme of Policies was divided into two sub-themes: Public Health and Animal Welfare. By detailed lexical analysis (descending hierarchical analysis, word cloud and similarity analysis), we conclude that the SEDA-POA and the SEDA-REC are similar cases of innovation. In addition to the similarities pointed out by lexical analysis, the understanding pointed out by interviewees reveal a very close perception about public policies for domestic animals. Finally, the next steps of the research and the schedule for completing the work are presented.

Presidente - 1754953 - HIRONOBU SANO
Interno - 1169358 - WASHINGTON JOSE DE SOUSA
Externo ao Programa - 1678705 - LINDIJANE DE SOUZA BENTO ALMEIDA
Externo à Instituição - MÁRIO AQUINO ALVES - FGV
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/08/2018 07:27
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