Organizational Commitment; EBACO; Factor Analysis; Cronbach's Alpha; McDonald's Omega
In this study, the Organizational Commitment of employees in a fuel distributor was assessed using Medeiros' (2003) Escala de Bases do Comprometimento Organizacional (EBACO). It is a case study conducted through field research, employing a quantitative approach with a descriptive purpose. Data collection involved administering a questionnaire with 36 closed-ended questions to the distributor's employees. Descriptive statistics and Spearman's Correlation Coefficient were used for result analysis. Negative correlations were observed between education, length of service, and salary with the Affective dimension of commitment. Additionally, a positive correlation was identified between the on-site work regime and the Affective and Consistent Line of Activity bases. On the other hand, employees on a hybrid work regime showed negative correlations with the Obligation to Performance and Consistent Line of Activities bases. The instrument was validated through Factor Analysis, where two variables from the Consistent Line of Activity base were excluded due to low communalities. Six factors explaining 64.86% of the variance of the instrument's items were obtained. Cronbach's Alpha and McDonald's Omega coefficients demonstrated factor consistency, with slight differences between them. Future studies are suggested to investigate recurring inconsistencies over time in various validations. Furthermore, analyzing the relationship between the hybrid or remote work regime and commitment bases is recommended as an important research area. In summary, Medeiros' (2003) Organizational Commitment Bases Scale produced results similar to other validations conducted over two decades, suggesting its stability and validity as an organizational commitment assessment instrument.