Strategies of knowledge organizations and their relationship with the resource-based view: the UFRN case
Knowledge Organization. Resource-based view. Competitive advantage.
CELESTINO, Maxwell dos Santos. Strategies of knowledge organizations and their relationship with the resource-based view: the UFRN case. 2020, 244f. Doctoral thesis (Doctorate in Administration). Post-Graduation Program in Administration, UFRN, Natal/RN.
At the moment, studies based on knowledge organizations presents gaps in the quantitative understanding of their component dimensions, the interrelationship between their variables, and their relationship to the resource-based view, core competencies, and the creation of competitive advantage .This thesis considers the convenience of bringing an empirical and current understanding of how to develop knowledge-focused strategies; their relevance for the adoption of management practices oriented to the efficient use of resources; practical implications that may contribute to solving internal strategic problems present in the context of a Higher Education Institution. As mentioned, the present thesis aims to analyze if the resources, capabilities and essential competences may be related to the development of strategies that lead to the generation of competitive advantages, present at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. To achieve the proposed objective, a research characterized as descriptive, bibliographic and survey will be conducted. This case study will be conducted by an analytical survey applied to a sample of 730 (seven hundred thirty) individuals who are part of the university community of the studied organization. Quantitative data will be collected through a survey with 75 (seventy-five) conceptually structured variables in order to gauge the perception of the academic community of the studied organization, regarding the relationships between the dimensions of knowledge organizations, resource-based view and advantage developed by the organization studied. The data will be statistically treated by the application of multivariate techniques, with emphasis on Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling in Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM), where we will use the IBM SPSS® and SmartPLS 3.2.8 software. The data will be analyzed after the conclusion of the thesis qualification stage which will allow to reach conclusions that will answer the problematic of this research. We can conclude, through structural equation modeling, that the role of the three dimensions of the proposed knowledge organizations model are important in the performance management process and in strategic decision making, confirming the relationship between the knowledge organizations model addressed in this research the RBV, the VRIO model and the essential competencies. The paths identified in the integrated structural model point to the existence of relevant relationships, which allow inferences to be made for the formulation of strategies that generate competitive advantage and make it possible to sustain it, thus collaborating with the theory of RBV.