Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 03/07/2020
TIME: 09:30

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FOOD ACQUISITION PROGRAM (PAA): Intergovernmental relations, logical framework and public calls and performances of street-level bureaucrats in purchases by Brazilian federal universities


Food Acquisition Program; Family farming; Intergovernmental Relations; Logical model; Street-level bureaucracy.

PAGES: 150
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

The objective of this thesis is to delimit a logical framework and intergovernmental relations in the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) with the purpose of qualifying the phenomenon of purchases by Brazilian universities based on contents of public calls and the performance of street-level bureaucrats. The text is structured in four articles. The first aims to qualify intergovernmental relations in the PAA by evidencing political-institutional dynamics and inflections in the cycle of social citizenship, starting in 2016, in the perspective of federalism (WRIGHT, 1998; PIERSON, 1995). The second presents a logical model, for guidance and understanding of the PAA in the Institutional Purchase modality (PAA-CI), proposing indicators to assess performance. The third intends to evaluate the implementation of PAA-CI in Brazilian federal universities to verify interlocutions between its public calls and purchases made as listed in the logical model based on indicators contained therein. The fourth text deepens the empirical understandings of the PAA-CI, aiming to analyse the performance of street-level bureaucrats in the implementation of the Program in order to categorize structural and relational variables and  individual power  based on the execution of the Purchase modality. Institutional (CI) by Brazilian universities. With qualitative approaches, the first, second and third articles are anchored in bibliographic and documentary material including exploratory data collect to governmental websites. The fourth originates from primary data collection at two Brazilian federal universities to compose a multiple case study. The data analysis, in this, had the aid of the Atlas.ti software. The results of the first reveals gaps in the federal coordination of the Program due to weaknesses in institutional channels and frequent changes in terms of structure, criteria and flow of execution between governmental and non-governmental organizations and between the three political-administrative spheres. The construction of the logical model, in turn, reveals that the diversity of objectives listed by the PAA legal framework requires, in addition to public purchasing, actions of rural extension, dissemination of information and training and awareness of public managers to reach a satisfactory performance of the Program. Based on the evaluation model created in article 2 of the logical framework, article 3 identified that only 30% (n = 63) of Brazilian federal universities purchased food from family farming through PAA-CI until 2019. In this sense, this thesis highlights problems related to public calls, such as inconsistencies in the definition of product prices (in X%), logistics (in X%) and delivery periodicity (in X%), impairing the effectiveness of both, the public calls as instrument of purchasing of food and the PAA itself, with regard to its objectives properly recovered in the logical model. The fourth reports behavioural elements - related to the fulfilment of legal criteria, of a structural nature - and discretionary ones, with relational and individual action nature that reveal the autonomy of street level bureaucrats in the implementation of the PAA-CI. More than evaluating results and drawing theoretical and methodological components of the PAA, the thesis offers relevant contributions to the field of elaboration, implementation and evaluation of public policies and programs to strengthen family agriculture, especially when it suggests that the action of public procurement is not enough to guarantee a satisfactory performance of the Program. Together with public procurement, public policies for technical assistance and rural extension (ATER), for the qualification of rural workers in specific topics of agricultural production and socio-political organization, for cooperative and associative practices, with a permanent and continuous flow of information, should be promoted. including market opportunities. In addition, training actions for public managers responsible for implementing the Program in different organizational and territorial contexts are necessary to adapt the menus and administrative processes of public agencies to the specificities of family farming in each location. In this sense, it is worth noting the fact that, when attempting advances in the socio-organizational capacities of rural workers to supply public demands of food by cooperatives and associations, without the necessary investments in ATER, the PAA tends to generate adverse effects to its own principles, concentrating positive results in regions of the country with better social capital and privileged climatic conditions, favoured by expanded structures for production, fundraising and investments.

Externo à Instituição - EUGENIO AVILA PEDROZO - UFRGS
Externo ao Programa - 1149626 - MAURO LEMUEL DE OLIVEIRA ALEXANDRE
Presidente - 1169358 - WASHINGTON JOSE DE SOUSA
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/06/2020 09:08
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