Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 28/12/2020
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Plataforma virtual Googlemeet

The outsourced work of women in the factions linked to the Interior Industrialization Program (Pró-Sertão) in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN).


Work. Women. Sexual Division of Labor. Outsourcing. Precariousness.

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Serviço Social

This research aims to analyze the insertion, relationships, working conditions and resistance processes of women linked to factions in Rio Grande do Norte (RN). For that, we will look at the analysis of outsourced work of women in the textile industry linked to the Interior Industrialization Program - Pró-Sertão, implemented in the cities of the interior of RN. The territorial cut will be in the State of RN, where such a program is currently being implemented in 46 cities, with 124 factions in operation. In our research, we will prioritize the Seridó region - a regional fragment located in the central-southern portion of the State of Rio Grande do Norte-RN, because in this region, there is a large concentration of outsourced companies arising from the Pró-Sertão region. which politically mobilized female workers in defense of large companies. The northeastern hinterland, territory of development of the referred program, is marked by high rates of pauperism and low economic / industrial development, in which outsourced industries - small companies called factions - have proliferated - which receive demands for textile production from large national companies, who, in turn, hire workers to develop productive work in precarious conditions. So that we can apprehend in the movement of the real the problem in question in a perspective of totality, the research strategies used will be bibliographic, documentary and field. In the documentary analysis, we will focus on the analysis of the 44 lawsuits with labor claims against 5 factions of RN, in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018, in the cities of Parelhas, Cerro Corá and Cruzeta, cities that bring together the most lawsuits. The time frame was defined as a result of the Public Civil Action filed by MPT-RN in 2017 regarding the violation of labor rights and joint and several liability of the faction contractor. In this sense, we infer that the MPT takes the initiative to institute civil action when there are many complaints and labor lawsuits about certain violations. For this reason, we have established 2017 as a key year for our research, and the year before (2016) and posterior it (2018), as we assume that there are many complaints that precede public action and that public action itself, motivated new lawsuits. Still for methodological purposes, we intend to analyze in depth between 5 to 10 processes for each delimited year, however this number may vary more or less, depending on the material found from that first reading of the processes. In the field research, we intend to conduct at least 5 interviews with women from the city of Parelhas - the city that most congregates labor lawsuits against factions. The criterion for choosing women was those who had already worked in some faction, seeking to vary the sample, considering the following aspects: race; age; territory (urban / rural); marital status; schooling and sexual orientation. The interviews will be of a semi-structured character, with a script of questions grouped in three axes: Profile of the interviewee, working conditions and particularity of the condition of being a working woman.

Presidente - 307.164.894-49 - RITA DE LOURDES DE LIMA - UFRN
Externa ao Programa - 2297598 - MIRIAM DE OLIVEIRA INACIO
Externo ao Programa - 1047726 - ZEU PALMEIRA SOBRINHO
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/12/2020 20:44
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