
The Master's Degree in Social Work is part of the Post-Graduation Program of the Social Service Department / DESSO, of the Center of Applied Social Sciences. The program was implemented on August 8, 2000 in response to an existing demand and the Department's expansion plans. Currently, this master's degree has both regular and special students. The master's degree has a board of 10 full-time doctoral professors at DESSO to take on the teaching, research and orientation of dissertations. The pedagogical proposal of the course has a multidisciplinary character, contemplating both teachers and students of Social Work and of related areas.




    • Enable the qualification of Social Work professionals and related areas, the critical and propositional research, that lead this researchers to produce knowledge about their professional practice, thought in the context of social reality, especially in the social space of their insertion, without losing the aim of its insertion in the national and international reality, as the contemporary world demands.




    • To train masters in Social Work, who in public, non-state and private public institutions, acquire the necessary qualifications for the constitution of new practices, based on critical knowledge, technical competence and ethical-political commitment with social inclusion, universalization of citizenship rights, socially just and environmentally sustainable development;

    • To meet the qualification needs of professionals, researchers and professors for research in Social Work, especially those from the public and private institutions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, whose demand for has grown in recent years with the expansion of Undergraduate Courses in Social Work and related areas, not only in the Northeast region, but also in other regions of the country;

    • To meet the need for deepening the professional qualification of Social Work professionals and related areas, expanding their theoretical and technical capacity to elaborate and evaluate social intervention projects, consulting and advisory services to governmental, private and public non-state institutions;

    • To enable the production and socialization of critical and purposeful knowledge about the professional work inserted in the social reality of the DESSO / UFRN region, as situations, experiences and issues that make up the broad thematic field of interest of Social Service at the regional, national and international levels.


Contact numbers:

PPGGS Secretariat: (84) 3215 3475


Annual Selection Process:

Masters positions: 12 vacancies

Program duration: 24 months, extendable for 6 months.

The courses can be offered in the morning and / or afternoon shift depending on the available hours of the Professors.


Concentration area:




Line of Research:


1 - State, Society, Social Work and Rights.

Studies and research on the relations between State and Society, in the context of capitalism, in its sociohistorical and contemporary determinations, product of the tensions between social classes, considering the struggles of social movements for rights and the configurations of social policies, their genesis , development, patterns of social intervention, management and provision of social services.

The Group of Study and Research in Social Security and Social Work, the Group of Studies and Research in Social Issues, Social Policy and Social Work and the Group of Studies and Research in Work, Urban-rural-environmental question, Social Movements and Social Work are all linked to this line of research.


2 - Social Work, Work and Social Issues.

Studies and research on work in its ontological-historical dimensions, considering the contemporary changes in the capital-labor relation that affect the deepening of social inequality, in the expressions of the social question, in the development of management modalities and social intervention, in the work of the assistant Social. The political action and strategies of resistance of the category in the perspective of affirmation of the ethical-political project. Identification and analysis of the demands, as well as the skills, theoretical-methodological, technical-operative and ethical-political skills and challenges posed to the profession.

All research groups are linked to this line of research, since it specifically involves the study of the Social Question, object of work of the social worker. In this way, it is a line that is traversal to all the research groups and to the studies of all the teachers of the course.


3 - Ethics, Gender, Culture and Diversity

Studies and research on culture in a historical-critical perspective, considering the ethical-moral dimension of social life as a mediation between daily life and corporate projects, towards the construction of an emancipated society and the processes of resistance and struggle.

Alternative Address

Program Coordination

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