Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 17/12/2019
TIME: 09:00

SCHOOL HEARING HEALTH (SAE): information management system


hearing, technology, health care, basic education, schoolchildren.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Medicina

In Brazil, fast and accurate access to information about the school's hearing health is a very distant reality. Several factors are determinant for this sad reality, from the lack of public funding to the lack of information for the professionals involved in the children's educational process. In order to improve this situation, the idea of my master's project came up. Objective: To develop a school hearing health information management system. Methodology: The School Auditory System (SAE) is an information management software, through which it will be possible to manage the hearing health information of public school students. Data will be recorded from teachers, students and their families, as well as hearing screening and the acoustic school environment related to the students' school life. A student hearing health information form will be applied. With this data, various information can be generated: screening done by students, mapping of hearing problems by school, age group, region, etc. In addition, teachers' professional backgrounds and referrals to UBS in the area where the school is located and others may be managed. This system has the following phases for its development: Interview: meeting with researchers from the LAIS/UFRN Hearing Base, who designed the system and know the business rules to be implemented; Prototype: Creation of an initial prototype for information validation; Data Modeling: Creation of database modeling to be used; Coding and development; Testing: Validation of software at school along with guardians and Implementation: The System to be used by primary care professionals and teachers. From these phases, until now the interview, prototype and data modeling stages were performed, being in the coding and development and implementation phase of the system. The system is being developed in PHP with Laravel Framework, Javascript, HTML 5 and CSS. The database used is Postgresql. For data modeling, the tool used is SQL Power Architect and for prototyping Balsamiq Mockups was used. Preliminary results: The SAE is in its preliminary version and is being tested by Speech-Language Pathology researchers with the insertion of information from children from a public school. From this initial test, some needs for adjustments regarding the functionality of requirements and ergonomic aspects are being identified, as well as checking if there is a need to include new fields to insert other data that had not been predicted. The next step will be to make the adjustments found and produce new system tests to improve the system to the point that it has facility, flexibility and fluidity for use by health and education professionals.

Externa à Instituição - DEBORAH VIVIANE FERRARI - USP
Externo à Instituição - JAILTON CARLOS DE PAIVA - IFRN
Presidente - 1139873 - RICARDO FERNANDO ARRAIS
Notícia cadastrada em: 04/12/2019 11:22
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