Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 20/07/2018
HORA: 09:00

Circus Place is in School: The study of clowning in artistic pedagogical experience


Keywords: School. Circus. Clown. Artistic / pedagogical project.

GRANDE ÁREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Artes

This dissertation concerns the research called "Circus Place is in the School: The
Study of the Clown in Artistic Pedagogical Experience" whose object of research
is the study of circus and clowning in the regular system of education, based on
the analysis of the story of experience of the artistic / pedagogical project "Lugar
de Circo é na Escola". Seeking to broaden the discussion of the circus and clown
content in the classroom, as a clown / teacher / researcher, I began to reflect on
how to construct an artistic / pedagogical path systematized for circus and clown
studies in elementary school classes in the final series of the School Maria de
Lourdes Bezerra in the municipality of Macau / RN, culminating in the
development of the project "Lugar de Circo é na Escola", which became the
object of analysis and reflection of this dissertative research. The research
develops from the following questions: Why study circus and clown in school?
What is the potential of such an action in the school context? Is it possible to
teach to be a clown? What methodological possibilities can be used for learning
the tricks in school? To answer the questions cited, the research anchors its
writing in the qualitative analysis, having as a method the Content Analysis
proposed by Bardin (1977). Seeking to understand how the development took
place, the involvement of the participants and the unfolding of the artistic /
pedagogical project already mentioned, as well as to describe and analyze the
pedagogical and methodological course proposed by the teacher for a theoretical
/ practical study of circus and clowning. The reflections around the research are
built and broadened from the relationship established between the development
of the project "Circus Place is in School" in the construction of the identity of the
clowns (pupils) during the intercross project to the studies of the circus history
and of the clownwork in Brazil and in the world, besides pointing out unfolding of
this action in the school environment and outside it. For our studies and
development of this writing, we dialogued with the following authors, in what
concerns the understanding of circus and clownish history in Brazil and in the
world, as well as experiential practices related to the theme of this dissertation,
for example, Bolognesi (2003), Thebas (2005), Burnier (2001), Lecoq (2010).
From Da Arte, the dialogue was with Barbosa (1991) and Desgranges (2003) to
understand the pedagogy I used in the development of the project "Place of
Circus and in School", so the cited authors provide the basis for sewing the flaps
of our pedagogical work.

Interno - 2145914 - LAIS GUARALDO
Presidente - 1958705 - MARCILIO DE SOUZA VIEIRA
Externo à Instituição - MONIQUE DEHEINZELIN - USP
Externo ao Programa - 1672505 - NAIRA NEIDE CIOTTI
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/07/2018 08:43
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