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DATE: 24/11/2019
TIME: 14:30

Analysis of the implementation of the Brazilian School Feeding Program (PNAE) by family farming associations and cooperatives in rural territories


Brazilian School Feeding Program (PNAE). Family farming. Territorial development. Institutions. Street-level bureaucrats.

PAGES: 130
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

This thesis aims to analyze the implementation of the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) by family farming associations and cooperatives, punctuating analytical categories of the institutional market, epistemological elements, territorial development, institutions, social capital and influences of street-level bureaucrats in government procurement. The research is organized in four articles. The first article is designed analytical categories of research in PNAE in its dialogue with family farming as an institutional market from 2009 on the basis of the intellectual production available in the Journal Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) since the promulgation of Law 11,947 / 2009. The second article aims to highlight interfaces between the PNAE and family farming in research at the stricto sensu postgraduate level, taking as reference the fields of Administration and Public Administration in Brazil. In this exercise, there is the classification of such research in the circle of epistemic matrices proposed by Paes de Paula (2016). The third article analyzes PNAE's contributions as a public policy to foster territorial development in the light of institutional and social capital attributes of family farming associations and cooperatives. The fourth article is intended to describe influences of street-level bureaucrats in the execution of the PNAE based on institutional and organizational factors and individual and relational factors (LOTTA, 2012) from empirical experiences of family farming association and cooperative leaders. Regarding methodological procedures, the first two articles follow the Protocol of Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) in literature review exercises. The third and fourth articles originate from multiple case studies in 10 associations and cooperatives from the rural territories. Data analysis included the Atlas.ti and Iramuteq softwares. The results of the first article reveal five analytical categories for the PNAE study - political-institutional aspects; historical trajectory; family farming atributes; success factors and barriers. The second article reveals that research in Administration and Public Administration in the PNAE, within the circle of epistemic matrices - empirical-analytic, hermeneutic and critical - assumes characteristics associated with the three types of cognitive interest (HABERMAS, 1982) - technical, practical and emancipatory. The empirical results synthesize territorial development dimensions - economic, social, cultural and environmental - present in the rural territories and the way the PNAE institutional format contributes to the emergence of specific norms in associations and cooperatives. It also reveals the presence of social capital in relationships of trust and articulation of organizations with different stakeholders and the role played by street-level bureaucrats- associations and cooperatives directors - in the discretionary exercise of PNAE implementation. The main limitations of the thesis are associated with the database of systematic literature review and the limitation of the locus of the empirical work. Future research agenda may address expanding the database for identifying and characterizing research trends on PNAE in family farming in other domains of science. Another suggestion is to conduct interviews with other stakeholders involved in the implementation of the PNAE in the analyzed territories or in other Brazilian rural territories, including, for example, the School Feeding Council (CAE).

Externo à Instituição - EMANOEL MÁRCIO NUNES - UERN
Externa ao Programa - 2569281 - PAMELA DE MEDEIROS BRANDÃO
Presidente - 1169358 - WASHINGTON JOSE DE SOUSA
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/11/2019 08:25
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