Business incubation process of technology-based companies in the light of project management: A multi-case study
Technology-based incubators. Business incubation process. Project management.
The aim of this research is to understand how incubators of technology-based companies develop their incubation process in the light of project management. In order to meet the research goal, the study adopted a qualitative approach through a multiple case study strategy. The techniques of data collection used were documents and semi-structured interviews with the managers of four business incubators. From the literature review, a conceptual framework was designed to classify Business Incubators in the generational typology, to identify how they develop their incubation process and to identify the areas of knowledge in project management adopted by the incubators in the development of their incubation process.
The evidence allowed classifying the four Business Incubators in the typology of second generation of BI. The services offered by these incubators are summarized in services of physical and technological structure and business support services. There are few differences between the four business incubators, so it is inferred that the four incubators are homogeneous as to their value proposition and services offered. These results are consistent with Lalkaka's (2001a) statement that this incubator model still prevails in developing countries.
This research, corroborated that incubators of companies develop their incubation process according to the guidelines of the CERNE model. The evidence confirms that the incubators studied are homogeneous and do not show great differences in how to develop their incubation process. These results explain and justify the adoption of the CERNE model by the incubators to develop their incubation process, noting that this model was developed with the aim of providing good management practices and helping incubators of Brazilian companies to align with the concept of third generation incubators.
We found evidence that incubators adopt the areas of knowledge in project management, emphasizing integration management, scope of time, communications, human resources and quality. The stakeholders management were partially identified. No evidence was found regarding the adoption of risk management and procurement management
Finally, it concludes as a truth to the theoretical statement of this research, which states that incubators of technology-based companies adopt the areas of project management in their incubation process