Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 06/08/2024
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: VIDEOCONFERÊNCIA (a ser publicado no Forum do Sigaa)
The health-disease process of women with endometriosis in the context of work.

Endometriosis; Work; Health-disease process; Social Determination of Health; Contradictions of capitalism.

PAGES: 101
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração
Endometriosis is a painful and incapacitating gynecological disease that affects 7 million Brazilian women of working age. Most studies denounce its impact on women's professional lives, in terms of absenteeism, presenteeism, loss of wages and a drop in productivity, and reduce the discussion only to the work force that endometriosis sufferers have to offer, disregarding how working conditions shape not only labor relations, but also alter the traditional way in which diseases appear; because the morphology of exploitation doesn't just wear out the machinery, the consequences for the health of female workers imply new ways of getting sick and dying. For this reason, this study aims to answer the following research question: How are the material conditions of production related to the health and illness of women with endometriosis in the workplace? In order to understand this, this work is based on Marxian theory, because when it comes to health, gender and labor relations, the subject immediately brings us back to Marxist work, not that history is determined only in the universe of production, but that it results from the relations of production. And knowing that the labor-capital relationship is described as a central category of the health-disease process, this research is also based on the theory of Social Determination of Health, because this conception understands the health-disease process as a process that originates in the capitalist mode of production, as an expression of its contradictions. This understanding, anchored in historical-dialectical materialism, establishes a direct association between the health-disease process and the material conditions of production, since it is based on the analysis and problematization of the formation of the class structure in order to understand health inequalities. To this end, a Systematic Literature Review is carried out to identify the main points made by other authors regarding the reality faced by women with endometriosis in the professional and domestic context; the conceptions and historical conditions of the health-disease process are discussed, which is not limited to biological aspects, but considers the role of capitalism in this context based on the Social Determination of health; the main women's health policies aimed at this public are analyzed, in order to reveal the bases on which the health-disease process of these women has been based; the number of women with endometriosis treated by the SUS is compared with the number of assistances granted by the INSS and; finally, the aim is to reflect on the work process of women with endometriosis under capitalism, by discussing the results presented by the systematic review and interpreting the health-disease process of these workers in the light of Marxist theory and the theory of Social Determination of Health.

Externa à Instituição - DEISE LUIZA DA SILVA FERRAZ - UFMG
Presidente - 1228739 - JANAYNNA DE MOURA FERRAZ
Externa ao Programa - 1046524 - TAISE CRISTINA GOMES CLEMENTINO DE NEGREIROS - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/07/2024 11:16
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