Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 22/11/2018
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: A combinar

Study for the Promotion of the Teaching of the Rational Use of Medicines in the Courses of Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry of UFRN


Rational use of medicines; health education; teaching.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Farmácia

Unified Health System (SUS) Guidelines, providing all citizens with medicines that, when selected and rationally employed, can provide individual, institutional and national benefits. The National Medicines Policy (PNM) guides the importance of the educational process as a strategy to promote the URM both for the health teams and for the user. In the field of health professionals, the university plays a particularly important role during graduation due to its decisive role in increasing knowledge about the real value of medicines, especially in a society with a high degree of medicalization. Objectives: The main objective was to analyze the Curricular Guidelines of the Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Courses and Pedagogical Projects of the Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Courses of UFRN, identifying specific content about the URM, besides knowing the level of understanding and assimilated knowledge about the URM of its graduates; the specific objective was to interpret the studies developed in the general objective, pointing to the possibility of guiding coordinations of these courses to provide specific curricular component, aimed at teaching the URM. Methodology: a documentary study, through the analysis of the curricular guidelines of the courses of Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry, through the collection of data from digital archives in the public domain of the Ministry of Education (MEC), and the Pedagogical Projects of Pharmacy Undergraduate Courses , Medicine and Dentistry of UFRN, through the System of Management of Academic Activities (SIGAA), evaluating the pedagogical commitment to the URM. On the other hand, quantitative and qualitative descriptive research, with the application of semi-structured questionnaires to these undergraduates. The data, both of documentary and descriptive origin, were processed and analyzed, in part statistically through spreadsheet in Excel; the content analysis of the communications expressed by the volunteers, manifested through varied meanings, were interpreted through the Wordle® program. The data storage was also computerized. This study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee and the participants were informed and signed the Free and Informed Consent Form. Result: this study identified that, although the Curriculum Guidelines for Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry Courses have guidelines for compliance with SUS Directives, URM is still neglected in the Pedagogical Projects of these UFRN courses; exception is made to the Pharmacy Course where the subject is treated in a single moment, even though not as a specific curricular component. As for undergraduates, they revealed knowledge that points to the URM, but with little access and orientation to the information about the URM. About the percentage of graduates who have frequent contact with URM, in the Course of Pharmacy was around 40%, Medicine 50% and Dentistry 27%. The highlight was the expressive meaning that these graduates expressed in believing that a URM discipline could contribute as an educational measure on the subject: in Pharmacy 97%, Medicine 85% and Dentistry 96%. As for the interest that these graduates have in expanding knowledge in the URM even during graduation, the indexes reached 100% in Pharmacy, 80% in Medicine and 96% in Dentistry. Conclusion: this study concluded that, given the existence of a deficiency in the teaching of the URM in the Undergraduate Courses of Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry of UFRN, and the expressive interest of its undergraduates in the subject, the implementation of a specific curricular component on the URM, in the Pedagogical Project of these courses, points out to be feasible and can develop adequate values and principles, linear to SUS and PNM.

Presidente - 2495698 - JOSE DINIZ JUNIOR
Interno - 2171948 - PAULO JOSE DE MEDEIROS
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/11/2018 09:32
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