Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 10/12/2018
HORA: 10:30
LOCAL: Sala de Aula 1 - NESC

Mental health under the eyes of adolescents accompanied by the Family Health Strategy.


Adolescents, Mental Health, Percepcion, Health Family. 

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Saúde Coletiva

The Psychiatric Reform in Brazil was the result of the "health movement" in the 1970s, which sought to change the models of health care and management that had been established until then. In these early days, Primary Health Care (PHC) did not receive investments in mental health, despite the emergence of public health policies aimed at this demand. The outdated therapy still considers the disease of being, not giving due value to the integrality of the subject, and any individual, regardless of age, can be affected by the sufferings of the soul, which consequently have a physical repercussion. In this scenario, the adolescent becomes a subject surrounded by changes, uncertainties and fears, in which being a phase of several discoveries, in addition to the natural biological, morphological and social transformations. It is common for the adolescent to assume some attitudes of vulnerability and risk behaviors. This project aims to understand mental health from the perspective of adolescents accompanied by the Family Health Strategy, which is considered a period of transformations and biopsychosocial changes, making this population vulnerable and with important risk factors. For Benetti et al. (2007), the interest in the adolescent public has gained importance in recent years due to the negative implications of mental health and the lower attention given to this age range, in comparison with the others. As a methodological design, it is a qualitative study, which will be carried out in a Family Health Unit of the Rural Area of the city of Jucurutu, the target audience being adolescents accompanied by this team.
As a data collection instrument, a focus group will be carried out with adolescents affected by some type of mental suffering, and for the analysis of data, the Orlandi Speech Analysis technique (2012) will be used. As a future perspective, this study is expected to characterize the adolescent clientele through their perceptions about mental health, as well as the contribution to the development of programs and policies aimed at adolescent mental health.

Interno - 6468813 - ANA TANIA LOPES SAMPAIO
Presidente - 2626690 - JANETE LIMA DE CASTRO
Externo ao Programa - 2330137 - VILANI MEDEIROS DE ARAUJO NUNES
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/11/2018 16:31
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