Distribuição de espécies de cianobactérias potencialmente tóxicas: uma previsão baseada em modelos de nicho ecológico
Climate suitability; Blooms; Climate changes ;Reservoirs ; Eutrophication
Cyanobacteria are among the oldest life forms on Earth. They occur in marine and freshwater environments, grouping around in colonies or filaments, and many species can form potentially toxic blooms. In the Brazilian semiarid region, the occurrence of cyanobacteria is widely recorded in reservoirs for multiple uses, including human supply, which causes great concern not only about the impacts on biodiversity but also on human health. Empirical evidence indicates a sharp increase in these blooms with climate-related changes. In the light of this, the present study investigated the current and future distribution of cyanobacteria (colonial and filamentous) that produce toxins in the Brazilian semiarid region, using the niche modelling approach to estimate the areas for the establishment of these populations, associating the already known occurrence points with the bioclimatic variations inherent to the ecology of the species and the climate scenarios (moderate and pessimistic) projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) with focus on the 2081-2100 interval projections. Isothermality, annual temperature variation, precipitation volume of the wettest, coldest and driest quarters, plus the elevation were the variables most important for the potential distribution of the species. The projections showed that the Brazilian semiarid region has high climatic suitability for the occurrence of all species analysed, but the models indicated an expansion of habitat suitability in the future, in both the moderate and pessimistic scenarios, only for Microcystis aeruginosa (colonial) and Planktothrix agardhii (filamentous). Hopefully the information obtained will contribute to the understanding of the effects of climate change in natural warmer environments and possibly guide mitigation efforts, assisting managers in decision-making and in the development of public policies.