Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 24/10/2017
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala de reuniões – Prédio de Ecologia

Occupancy patterns of two bird species in a patch within the north-eastern portion of the Pernambuco’s Endemism Centre


Atlantic rainforest, restinga, mata estrela, occupancy, competitive exclusion, coexistence, Conopophaga melanops, Conopophaga cearae.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Ecologia

Brazil is known because of megadiverse ecosystems and the most famous, after the Amazon rainforest, is Atlantic rainforest. Due to the fact of being located greatly on the Brazilian shore the Atlantic rainforest have being suffer constant and intense impacts from extractive activities, and some studies state that only 7% of its original extent remains. Despite that, it is considered one of the 34 global hotspots, with high quantities of endangered and endemic species, in other words, it is one of the most important areas for conservation in the world. This study aims at generating more scientific knowledge about the Pernambuco’s Endemism Centre (PEC), but due to logistical difficulties we focused in only one fragment at the PEC’s north-eastern portion. Rio Grande do Norte (RN) state has 339.107,68 ha of its area within the Atlantic rainforest domain, the equivalent of 6,5% of the state’s total area. The Mata Estrela Private Reserve of the Natural Patrimony, the largest fragment of Atlantic rainforest in RN, beyond being one of the three IBA (Important Bird Area) in the state, is also focus of studies of an ecologic corridor connecting all the remnants of Atlantic rainforest within the state. In addition to knowing the conservation status of the remnants, it is also important to be aware of the communities’ structure when taking decisions about their conservation. One of the main drivers of communities’ structuration is the interspecific competition which, via natural selection, determines the species’ composition. Coexistence between species is another factor which acts, attached to competition, on the communities’ structuration and depends on the niche plasticity of the respective species. Occupancy estimation by one or more species has been used as a tool for modelling the dynamics of those species, also guiding monitoring and management strategies. The present study consists in investigate, with vocal lures (playbacks) at hearing points, the occupancy patterns of two species from the Conopophagidae family: Conopophaga cearae (Ceará gnateater) e Conopophaga melanops (Black-cheeked gnateater). We selected 80 hearing points (half of them within Atlantic rainforest and the other half within resting) with 100 m radius and spaced by 200 m. Each point was visited in three occasions, within two distinct seasons: dry season (September, October and November 2016) and rainy season (March, June and July 2017). We measured four environmental variables: canopy aperture, litter deepness, vegetation density and diameter at solo high (DAS). These variables were combined with the occupancy and detection parameters in the MARK program and generated a rank of candidate models to explain the empirical data. These models were hierarchically ordered according to their respective AIC values. Basing on the literature, we expect to identify higher occupancy probability of C. melanops in forest areas and higher occupancy probabilities of C. cearae at restinga areas. Thus, we expect low or zero coexistence between species, as their environmental requirements apparently are distinct and there is no need to occupy the same area of a potential competitor.  

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Notícia cadastrada em: 15/09/2017 12:06
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