Between pain and love: The excitation of the sensitive body, the memories and the affects in the scientific creation processes.
Sensible Body; Affection; Memory; Gender; Creation Process.
The present work presents a reflection about the excitation of the sensitive body that was developed within the Arkhétypos Group and studied during my Work of Completion of Degree in Theater (2015) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The sensible body, which I seek to conceptualize, is the one in which openness to exchange with the other becomes full, arousing affections and rekindling memories. This study is based on the concept proposed by Francisco Duarte Junior (2001) of the sensible, which refers to the feelings and emotions acquired in the course of our stories and encounters. The research also addresses the concept of Memory advocated by Bergson and affections and their interpersonality - affect and be affected - worked by Spinosa. The study of this excitement of this sensitive body is carried out through my work as an interpreter-creator within the process of creating the show Gosto de Flor, a scenic work that sits between Dance and Theater and that approaches the theme of love within the perspective of the masculine / homoaffective universe. The show was directed by Lara Machado and was developed in the year 2017 by the Arkhétypos Group. Analyzing the process of creation I could see that it awakened memories in my body and produced affections that made me resignify the pain and recognize it as a power for the scenic creation. In the course of the work I give myself, surrender and expose my memories from a discussion of gender resulting from the creative process, and finalizing the work concluding that the sensitive body also has a political dimension.