The Corporal South: Intercultural Theatrical Practices for the Descolonization of the Imaginary
The corporal South. Practice. Epistemology. Theater.
The corporal south is a metaphor that seeks to think the epistemologies of the south as a point of convergence with the theatrical practice. Being the practice a compass in this investigation, it was sought to embody this metaphor from the creation of a corporal practice that takes concepts from the epistemologies of the south to the practice and embraces the proposal of interculturality to dynamize principles of the ritual dance of the capoeira and the ritual dance of the Mayan worldview, two philosophies of the south. As final poetry of the dissertation, the spectacle Amareelos was created from the symbolic universe of Quetzalcoatl – Kukulkán, mythical Mesoamerican figure. We represent the empirical character as a methodological guideline of this investigation through a mandala, showing the dynamics that surrounds this process “to the south” in its theoretical-practical textures.