Contemporary Art. Scenic Instauration. Image. Creative Processes. Sensitivity.
Contemporary Art. Scenic Instauration. Image. Creative Processes. Sensitivity.
The aim of the present research is to produce dynamics through the artistic languages imbricated in scenic creative processes and to provoke important discussion about the need of spaces such as the Artistic Residence of CRUOR Contemporary Art in Brazilian psychiatric hospitals. It is a qualitative approach that involves the paradoxes of artistic creation in contemporaneity and its simultaneous events in a practical and theoretical way, by which the creative methodological procedure "Scenic Instaurations" (SALLES, 2004) is inserted without the classic hierarchies text-actor-narrative, "permeating the ambiguities and imbrications art / life" (COHEN, 2006). desAMPARO, Birthday and WATER were some of the scenic instaurations created by CRUOR Contemporary Art in Artistic Residence at the Dr. João Machado Psychiatric Hospital and are now objects of study and analysis of the creation in the field of Scenic Arts. The theoretical contributions to the writing of this dissertation, in addition to those already mentioned, include Anzieu (1989), Archer (2001), Artaud (2006), Aumont (1995), Brook (2000), Castilho e Martins (2005), Dolto (2008), Jeudy (2002), Oida (2001), Oliveira (2015), Pedrosa (1996), Pires e Salles (2019), Reis (2006), Silveira (1992), Stratico (2013) e Viana (2015) necessary to discuss contemporary art, theatrical creation, image and sensitivity in art.