The PPGArC - Postgraduate Program in Performing Arts represents an important achievement towards the expansion and consequent development of research activities. The creation of the Program marks a decisive and indispensable step towards the conquest of the insertion, affirmation and projection of the Area of Performing Arts at the local, regional and national level. In the same year of implementation of the Degree in Theater, after thirty years of creation of the old course of Artistic Education in the Department of Arts UFRN. Since then, the area has accumulated significant demand among students and professionals in search of the consolidation of their respective formations. The profile and qualification of the Teaching Body of the Program demonstrates the broad and interdisciplinary character confirmed in its two lines of research, namely: Research Practices of the Scene: Poetics, Aesthetics and Pedagogies and Interfaces of the scene: Politics, Performances, Culture and Space . The creation of the PPGArC emerged as a way of intensifying the field of research and the possible alternatives of creation, reflection, production and reception of artistic processes in their respective social, political, aesthetic, educational and cultural contexts. The program aims to expand the theoretical, practical and methodological horizon of the activities of the professionals of the area, in order to perfect the training of the artist, the researcher and the educator, trying to integrate, whenever possible to the artistic experience, the theoretical- criticism about the scenic doing in its permanent dialogue with other languages. It is our objective to give the researcher in the area of arts and, specifically of the performing arts, to deepen in the Lines of Research of the Program, thus contributing to a better identification of the questions that guide their synthesis, knowledge, impasses, dynamics and means of apprehension.
Research Lines
The PPGArC, Academic Master, is structured in 02 (two) Lines of Research, namely:
Line I: INVESTIGATIVE PRACTICES OF THE SCENE: POETICS, AESTHETICS AND PEDAGOGIES - Studies on the research practices of the scene and its creation processes. It covers the formative practices in the field of the performing arts in dialogue with the potentialities of the body and its aesthetic and poetic configurations.
Adriano Moraes de Oliveira (DEART)
Ana Caldas Lewinsohn (DEART)
Jefferson F. Alves (DPEC)
Karyne Dias Coutinho (DPEC)
Larissa Kelly de Oliveira Marques (DEART)
Marcílio de Souza Vieira (DEART)
Melissa dos Santos Lopes (DEART)
Mônica Vianna de Mello (URCA)
Teodora de Araújo Alves (DEART)
Line II: SCENE INTERFACES: POLICIES, PERFORMANCES, CULTURE AND SPACE - Studies on the scene interfaces, policies, performance and dramaturgies. It covers studies of gender, scenic space and traditional manifestations as a transdisciplinary proposal of reflection of the intertwining that involve practical, pedagogical processes and theoretical approaches.
André Carrico (DEART)
Leônidas de Oliveira Neto (DEART)
José Sávio Oliveira de Araújo (DEART)
Lara Rodrigues Machado (UFSB)
Luciana de Fátima Rocha Pereira de Lyra (UERJ)
Monize Oliveira Moura (DEART)
Robson Carlos Haderchpek (DEART)
Teodora de Araújo Alves (DEART)
Victor Hugo Neves de Oliveira (UFPB)
For more informations
Graduate Program in Performing Arts - Department of Arts, UFRN
Av. Senador Salgado Filho, lateral lane, 3000 - Campus Universitário - CEP 59.078-900 - Natal-RN
Telephone number: (84) 99229-6445
Telephone number 2: (84) 3342-2340
Telephone number: Not available at this moment
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment
E-mail: Not available at this moment