Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 25/06/2024
TIME: 09:00

PEOPLE ARE STRONG, WE ARE WOMEN, WE CAN DO IT”: women with disabilities and sexual and reproductive rights, a consubstantial analysis


Women; Disability; Racism; Patriarchy; Rights.

PAGES: 131
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Serviço Social
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos do Serviço Social

In today's society, studying and researching the condition imposed by the capital society on people with disabilities is a challenge due to the countless capacity barriers that have been built and consolidated historically. Along these lines, most of the research on this group tends to analyze access to education, health, and work from an economic perspective. However, in the present work, we go beyond this, because our object of study clearly presents color and race: we propose to study black women with disabilities, through the consubstantial perspective, analyzing the access to the exercise of their sexual and reproductive rights. Thus, the study now presented aims to investigate the reality experienced by this group, we highlight, therefore, as a general objective. The specific objectives are to investigate how patriarchal gender relations interfere in the exercise of these rights, to analyze how structural racism has historically been a determining factor in the access to the full exercise of rights, and to analyze the policies of the State regarding sexual and reproductive rights for women in Brazil. The approach of the author with this theme is a result of her process as a resident social worker, whose research carried out during this period served as a guide to continue the study in order to further the debate within Social Work. In this sense, this research is qualitative in nature, through the collection of data from documentary and bibliographic analysis in physical and virtual media. It is important to emphasize that the research and data disseminated from videos, lectures through recognized channels such as the Observatory of Inequalities, and the CFESS' own channel on the youtube platform, which promoted extremely important online debates for the category and scientific community during the pandemic period, will also serve as study material. We will also search for and access the publications of the CFESS-CRESS group, which have been producing and socializing extremely relevant information about the debate on disability within the Social Service. In addition, we will search for productions coming from feminist collectives engaged in the anti-capacity struggle, such as the Hellen Keller Collective, which has already been gaining prominence in this aspect by sharing primers, among other materials for the advancement of the debate. Thus, we will also analyze theses and dissertations concerning the theme, especially those published in repositories of the federal public universities, as well as articles and books written both within Social Work, performing, for this, the due critical mediations, considering that the debate on disability is also held by other areas of knowledge. It is important to point out that, regarding the survey of academic productions, we will establish a time frame for the works carried out between the years 2017 and 2023 in the platforms of the Scientific Electronic Library Online (ScieELO) and Google Scholar (Scholar Google). This time frame was chosen due to the numerous offensives and setbacks in the field of human rights carried out by conservative governments fully aligned with neoliberal precepts. Finally, after all the research movement and the apprehension of the literature produced so far, the evaluation of the data will be carried out based on the assumptions of the critical dialectic method, since it starts from the concrete thought seeking to understand the dynamics of social reality.

Presidente - 1714329 - ANDREA LIMA DA SILVA
Externa ao Programa - 1091789 - JANAIKY PEREIRA DE ALMEIDA - UFRNExterno à Instituição - NÍVIA CRISTIANE PEREIRA DA SILVA - UFPB
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/06/2024 10:19
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