Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 15/09/2021
TIME: 09:00

SOCIAL WORK, CLASS, GENDER AND RACE: theoretical-methodological trends and possible contributions of the Unitary Theory


Unitary theory of social reproduction; gender; social class; breed; social work

PAGES: 270
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Serviço Social
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos do Serviço Social

Social Work is a profession inserted in the socio-technical division of work, constitutively determined by the socio-sexual and racial division of work. It is recognized as an area of knowledge, since its intellectual majority, in the 1980s. Since then, it has started to develop research on diversified themes, related to the complexity of social life under the order of capital, today systematized by the Thematic Research Groups ( GTP) of ABEPSS.
As a reflection of this movement, we see the expressive growth of the attempt to categorize, in the scientific productions within the profession, the gendered and racialized social relations of capitalism. Through a broad and diversified theoretical-methodological framework, these analyzes are based on different theoretical matrices, including those contrary to Marxism.
We believe that perhaps this is a reflection, on the one hand, of the economistic Marxism that has historically opposed critically analyzing race and gender as central issues of the capitalist order, forging the emergence of culturalist studies, very influential in feminist studies, in which the predominant absence of analysis of the social totality, and this approach may have impacted the analysis of Social Work itself.
On the other hand, we have the post-modern influx, expressly anti-Marxist, present in some Social Work research, which starts to eclecticly combine different theoretical-methodological matrices, revealing a methodological weakness. We defend the importance of theoretical, methodological and political pluralism as a constitutive feature of the production of knowledge and human sociability, but we recognize the potentially high analytical and practical stumbling blocks from scientific eclecticism, which should not be apprehended as synonyms.
In an attempt to express this theoretical-methodological concern, this research intends to analyze the theoretical-methodological trends used in the scientific productions of Social Work on the gendered and racialized social relations of capitalist society, based on the critique of the Theory of Social Reproduction (Theory Unitary). This bibliographical-exploratory research, of qualitative character, will analyze the scientific works published in one of the main vehicles of scientific communication of Social Work: the Revista Temporalis, edited by ABEPSS itself. The research is methodologically based on the Marxist method combined with the feminist-Marxist and decolonial point of view under development by the Unitary Theory.
This last part assumes that social production and reproduction are dimensions of a dialectically inseparable unit, systematically impacted by the reconfiguration of capitalist sociability. This theoretical perspective attempts to tune feminist praxis to Marxist theory based on Marx's value-work theory, in the understanding of capitalism as a totalitarian totalitarian founder of racism and a new patriarchy (in this research categorized as cisheteropatriarchy), through socio-historical processes, constitutive of capital's sociometabolism.


Interna - 1714329 - ANDREA LIMA DA SILVA
Externa à Instituição - CARLA BENITEZ MARTINS - UFG
Externa ao Programa - 1091789 - JANAIKY PEREIRA DE ALMEIDA
Externa à Instituição - MIRLA CISNE ÁLVARO - UERN
Externo à Instituição - VERONICA FERREIRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/09/2021 13:26
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