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DATE: 29/07/2024
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Webconferência



Writing at school. Reading literature. Pedagogical mediation. Metafiction. Lygia Bojunga.

PAGES: 254
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

School is recognized by society as the place where children learn to read and write. Despite the theoretical and methodological assumptions built around how to promote the achievement of such learning, writing stories still seems to be an action which some children, despite being literate, don't feel capable of. This research is justified by the need for studies on the educational potential of reading metafiction for the formation of readers and writers in school settings. Its general objective is to understand the effects of reading metafiction on the development of the process of creating fictional narratives and on the mediation of story writing at school. The theoretical framework is based on studies about the reading of literature (Amarilha, 1987; Jauss, 1979; Zilberman, 2003), fiction and metafiction (Hutcheon, 1980; Eco, 1994; Carrero, 2005), pedagogical mediation (Vigotski, 2007) and textual production (Calkins, 1989; Geraldi, 1997). This research is configured as a qualitative study based on the principles of content analysis (Bardin, 2016) to explore data from a pedagogical intervention carried out in 2017 with eighteen children from the 5th grade of elementary school in a public school in the city of Natal/RN (Brazil). During fifteen sessions mediated by the teacher-researcher, the children read Fazendo Ana Paz (Bojunga, 2007a) and then created and improved fictional narratives in meetings based on peer interaction. This research is guided by the following methodological design: a) theoretical studies; b) the study of the metafictional work of the writer Lygia Bojunga; c) the analysis of the corpus of data produced in the pedagogical intervention, consisting of a collection of fictional narratives authored by the children and the transcription of the video recordings of the meetings, and; d) the writing of the thesis. The results showed that the immersive reading of metafictional works contributed to a co-learning process in which children and the teacher-researcher built new perceptions about the relationship between author, reader, and text. Metafictional literary works contribute to understanding the process of writing fiction and its mediation at school, for they constitute as spaces for establishing dialogs between life and the art of making art.

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Externa ao Programa - 2453560 - MARIA CRISTINA LEANDRO DE PAIVA - nullInterna - ***.909.261-** - MARLY AMARILHA - UFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 18/07/2024 15:44
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