Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 15/04/2019
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala III do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias da UECE, Fortaleza-CE

Development and validation of carbohydrate gel based on powdered coconut water for energy replacement of athletes


Athletes, supplement, carbohydrate, coconut water.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Educação Física

The availability and metabolism of carbohydrates can influence the processes of fatigue (neurological) and peripheral (muscle). Exercise performance can be hampered by reduced carbohydrate levels, thus decreasing the muscle arousal process. Faced with this problem, the study aimed to develop and validate a carbohydrate gel based on powdered coconut water (COCOGEL) for the energetic replacement of athletes. Presenting as specific objectives: (1) To develop a gel of carbohydrates based on powdered coconut water according to the norms advocated by ANVISA; (2) Carry out the physical-chemical characterization of the carbohydrate gel based on coconut water; (3) To validate the use of coconut water-based carbohydrate gel in athletes in pre-workout, post-workout and 24 and 48 hours post-workout through: (a) the effect of subjective perception of effort on different forms of gel supplementation used; and (b) the acute post-training recovery response in the different forms of gel supplementation used. The study included 14 ultramarathon athletes, in the age group between 30 and 50 years of age, in a pre-competitive training phase. The design was cross-over. Participants were divided into two groups: G1 - Control Group (commercial gel ingestion), and G2 - Group Treatment (ingestion gel based on powdered coconut water). The training session was held at the athletic track of the Center for Integrated Child Care (CAIC-RN) and the blood samples were collected on-site, kept in appropriate containers and transported to the analysis laboratories. The evaluation of the Subjective Effort Perception (PSE) was performed through the application of the Athletes Tracking Sheet using the OMNI walking / running Scale (scores of 0-10). A confidence level of 95% was maintained in all analyzes. Considering the results obtained in the study, it is concluded that: (a) The composition of the bio-product COCOGEL fits perfectly into the legislation of "Food for Athletes" in the category of "Carbohydrate Gel", presenting quantity of metabolizable carbohydrates that meet the requirements and assisting in recovery of normal muscle function after strenuous exercise; (b) The bio-product COCOGEL, when consumed by athletes during endurance exercise (considered as strenuous), maintains glycemic levels, attenuates PSE and acts positively by accelerating post-workout muscle recovery; and (c) In addition to being a carbohydrate rich product, it may also be used in electrolyte replacement. Its 100% vegetable origin and its components of high nutritional value are presented as a market differential in the category of Food for Endurance Athletes.

Presidente - 692.459.753-04 - CRISTIANE CLEMENTE DE MELLO SALGUEIRO - UnP
Externa à Instituição - ANTONIA DEBORA SALES - UECE
Externo à Instituição - EDILSON MARTINS RODRIGUES NETO - Unicatólica
Externo à Instituição - JOSÉ FERREIRA NUNES - UECE
Externo à Instituição - MICHEL BARBOSA DE ARAÚJO - Unicatólica
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/04/2019 12:17
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