Key words: Genre. Education Context. Feminine Practices
The ideas and questions about the genre differences are being experienced and claimed today in large social domains, as the social network, street demonstrations and education spaces, as schools and universities. This ethnographic research is inserted in this context in which it is tried to access the education feminine practices in course therein, and at the same time emphasizes the trajectories of these experiences and the construction of their discourses and narratives. The objective is to disclose the genre concepts resulting from these spaces which are animated by feminine reflections, trying to approach their negotiation strategies generated inside the complex and relational field, and facing the eventual tensions and contrasts present in these universes. Therefore, the emphasis is on the construction of the field agencies, on the processes, dynamics and several dimensions linked to the contemporary feminine claims. The objective is to empower the interlocutors to let them bring about questions concerning their projects, preoccupations and mottos, in a perspective mixing notions about body, class, race and sexualities in connection with markers like the women social movements and the social activism. Our research trajectory began to gain force with the aid of the education networks from schools, federal institutes and universities. Analyses and reflections set in motion suggest that it is possible to construct resistance practices against genre inequalities in the education spaces, revealing also that social conventions and supremacist discourses are reproduced and standardized.