Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 06/02/2017
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Núcleo de Pesquisa e Inovação em Tecnologia da Informação

Intelligent System for Assistance in the Design and Installation of a Wireless Industrial Sensors Network


Wireless Industrial Sensor Networks, Genetic AlgorithmsMultiobjective OptimizationSensorsAllocation

GRANDE ÁREA: Engenharias
ÁREA: Engenharia Elétrica
SUBÁREA: Eletrônica Industrial, Sistemas e Controles Eletrônicos
ESPECIALIDADE: Automação Eletrônica de Processos Elétricos e Industriais

The advancement of technology has provided us with a significant improvement in the communication media. Nowadays we are surrounded by devices that are communicating all the time with each other using electromagnetic waves. Two major benefits of these systems are precisely the mobility provided by not using cables in their communications and ease of installation. The industrial market realized that these characteristics are very advantageous (mainly in mobile equipment and hostile environments, corrosive or in high temperatures) and began to invest in this technology with the emergence of two protocols that stand out as being open wireless communication protocols for industrial environments: WirelessHART and ISA100.11a. The WirelessHART was developed by the HART Communication Foundation in revision 7.0 of the HART protocol specification and the ISA100.11a was developed by the International Society of Automation (ISA), which started the idea of standardizing wireless industrial communication systems for both automation and control, With ISA100.11a being the first developed standard. Although wireless technology is well-known to the general population, in the industrial environment, the technology has some restrictions on its use. Determinism, latency and recovery in the loss of communication are essential characteristics for its reliability in the delivery of information. For this, the allocation of instruments and routers can positively or negatively influence the number of routes and reach of the instruments, allowing stronger signals against obstacles and / or alternative routes in case of loss of main routes. This work consists of the proposal thesis that look for, through the use of the multiobjective genetic algorithm technique, to determine the positions of the routing instruments so that the network can become as robust as possible in the environment in which it was installed. It is hoped that this work can help project engineers to more quickly and satisfactorily determine the position of the instruments maximizing system reliability as a whole, minimizing features such as signal loss and packet loss and as a consequence, process stops for maintenance of equipment.

Presidente - 347628 - ADRIAO DUARTE DORIA NETO
Interno - 1149567 - ANDRES ORTIZ SALAZAR
Externo ao Programa - 350241 - JORGE DANTAS DE MELO
Externo à Instituição - DENNIS BRANDAO - USP
Externo à Instituição - VINICIUS PONTE MACHADO - UFPI
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/12/2016 10:02
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