Welcome to the virtual space of the Postgraduate Program in Tourism (PPGTUR) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Here you will find information about the curricular structure of the MastersProgram in Tourism, offered courses, faculty, projects inprogress developed under the program, among others. The objective is the creation of an academic space aiming to meet the needs of the study of phenomena that characterizes touristic activities, considering the recognized potentialities of the northeastern region of the country and the consequent demand for knowledge of its dynamics and amplitude, be it at the local, regional, national or international level. In observing the context of education and professional qualification in tourism and related areas, which showsa marked need for opportunities of continuing education of quality and committed to the social interests of the region, the Master Course in Tourism proposes to:
• Promote and offer quality postgraduate continuing education for holders of higher education diplomas in tourism and related areas;
• Prepare researchers for the increase of scientific production in Tourism and related areas;
• Train teachers for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Tourism and related areas; • Train professionals to perform strategic-level functions in public and private organizations;
• Articulate the various levels of education aimed at training the researcher and at scientific, technological, philosophical, cultural and artistic production in tourism and related fields. The course wants its egress to correspond to an activity profile with the skills to:
• Monitor, analyze and interpret tourism development and its local and regional impacts;
• Develop methodologies for studies and research on the competitiveness of tourism destinations and enterprises;
• To point out contribution mechanisms for sustainable local and regional tourism development;
• Produce and disseminate knowledge about the tourism phenomenon, its activities, processes and impacts;
• Promote initiatives that combine innovation and creativity in the search for solutions to local tourism development that can effectively contribute to better citizenship conditions and quality of life of the communities and actors involved.
This website is routinely updated with information on tourism events and the selection process, as well as other informations considered relevant for the proper development of the academic activities of the Program.
Telephone number: (84) 99193-6458
Telephone number 2: (84) 3215-3617
E-mail: ppgtur@ccsa.ufrn.br
Telephone number: (84) 3215-3617
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment
E-mail: ppgtur@ccsa.ufrn.br