michelle cristine medeiros jacob


Perfil Pessoal

Descrição pessoal
I am a nutritionist and professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in the Nutrition Department. At UFRN, I also participate in the Nutrition and Social Sciences postgraduate programs. In addition, I am head of LabNutrir, the Nutrir Community Garden Laboratory, a space in which we develop research, extension, and teaching and learning activities guided through the biodiversity topic. We, the members of LabNutrir, believe that food systems need to be transformed in order to operate within planetary boundaries while providing healthy food for all and respecting all forms of culture and life. Therefore, our mission is to promote diets capable of fostering human and environmental health. As a researcher, I have been working on three main topics: (1) identification of wild foods (i.e., plants, mushrooms, meat) and traditional knowledge associated with them (e.g., food processing techniques); (2) analysis of diversity within diets and nutritional outcomes; (3) development and test of nutrition education programs focused on promoting sustainable diets. In 2021 the book "Culinária Selvagem" (Wild Culinary), written by LabNutrir members, was one of the five finalists in the "Prêmio Jabuti" (Jabuti Award), the most traditional and prestigious literary prize in Brazil. Since 2021 I have been a productivity fellow in CNPq, the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development in Brazil. Research topics: Food Systems, Biodiversity, Wild Foods, Food Security, Sustainable Diets, Ethnonutrition
Formação acadêmica/profissional (Onde obteve os títulos, atuação profissional, etc.)
- Post-doctorate at UFPE (Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Socioecological Systems, LEA)
- Ph.D. and Master Degree in Social Sciences at UFRN
- Undergraduate Degree Course in Nutrition at UFRN
Áreas de Interesse (áreas de interesse de ensino e pesquisa)
Expertise: Biodiversity and Nutrition, Wild foods, Ethnonutrition, Food systems. Research cluster: Food and Nutrition Security and Human Health; Diets, nutrition, and cultural diversity; Diets and Environmental Health.
Currículo Lattes:

Formação Acadêmica

Formação acadêmica não cadastrada


Endereço profissional
Department of Nutrition
UFRN campus Central
Av. Senador Salgado Filho, s/n, Lagoa Nova, 59078-970
Natal, RN, Brasil

(Atendimentos nas sextas-feiras, 09-12h, com agendamento prévio em: https://doodle.com/michellejacob)
2 GF
Endereço eletrônico

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