


THE SOCIAL SCIENCES COURSE (Bacharelado), with a reformulated curriculum in 2004, is coordinated by the departments of Social Sciences and Anthropology, grouping professors and students around research groups, research projects, teaching and extension, laboratories and postgraduate courses. -University graduate.

The undergraduate course provides comprehensive intellectual training, combining scientific and humanistic elements. The proposal of the course is to train bachelors for the functions of planning, advising and research in the areas of Anthropology, Political Science and Sociology.

Monographic work, alongside scientific initiation, extension and monitoring scholarships, is understood as a fundamental prior experience for the consolidation of an own intellectual elaboration at the undergraduate level, for the formation in scientific research, as well as a preparation for the entry into graduate school. Thus, throughout the course, student participation in LABORATORIES, RESEARCH GROUPS and EXTENSION PROJECTS is encouraged. Partnerships with research, teaching, promotion, civil society organizations and social movements, government agencies and international cooperation agencies are always sought with a view to the trainee's professional insertion.



The course offers 50 places in the morning shift, with the beginning of the school year always in the first semester. The first levels of the course consist of general introductory subjects, including the subjects "Philosophy 1", "Theory of Knowledge", "Brazilian Historiography" and "Reading Practice and Text Production 1 and 2", in order to improve interpretation and the writing of texts, especially those of an academic nature. In addition to theoretical subjects, the trainee will have to take practical courses (Community Curriculum Activity, qualitative and quantitative workshops).

Finally, to encourage trainees to engage in academic life, they must complete 210 hours of Academic-scientific-cultural activities.

The minimum duration for payment of credits is four years and the maximum six years. The monograph is mandatory to become a bachelor in Social Sciences, paying a total of 2,520 hours.



To obtain a degree, it is required the elaboration of a monograph at the end of the course, being guided by a teacher, on average, over a year. In this exercise, the challenge is to articulate theory and practice in the intellectual equation of themes and research questions that the trainee must raise, discuss and seek bibliographic and documentary supports. The monograph is publicly presented and appreciated by an examining board made up of three professors, one of whom is the advisor.




The UFRN Social Sciences Course originated at the Faculty of Sociology and Politics of the José Augusto Foundation, a cultural body linked to the State Government of Rio Grande do Norte. At UFRN. It was created and authorized by Federal Decree 74.211 of 6/24/1974, and recognized by Federal Decree 77.363 of 4/1/19766, having joined the then Department of Social Studies. The latter, later transformed into the Department of Social Sciences, an administrative academic unit that, since then, has been responsible for offering its main material and human contribution, followed by the Department of Anthropology, separated from it and having recognized its autonomy since March 2000.

In the first year of its existence, the course worked only as a Full Degree. In 1975 it expanded its structure with the creation of the Bacharelado, with qualifications in Anthropology, Political Science and Sociology. Subsequently, bachelor's and bachelor's degrees became possible ramifications (curricular options) of a single Course that was reformulated in 2004. In 2020, it is divided between the bachelor's and bachelor's degrees.



PET Group.

The Tutorial Education Program for Social Sciences was created in 1995. It brings together 12 (twelve) scholarship students from Cnpq, under the guidance and monitoring of a tutor teacher.

PET has a study and meeting room and a basic computer structure with cable Internet access. In addition to the specific training program for its fellows, PET do Curso promotes academic events open to other students.



In the monitoring programs, the scholarship student participates as a monitor, working with the teacher in the disciplines covered by the specific project. Among other activities, these monitors assist students of the course in the elaboration of records, summaries, mainly in the initial two levels of the course, when the shock of the transition from high school to university education is being experienced and the familiarity with academic preparation is still incipient.




Scientific research

Research activities aim to arouse interest and encourage student participation in the development of scientific, technological and innovation research.

The scholarship or volunteer student will develop a work plan prepared by an advisor teacher.

There are scientific initiation notices published by the Dean of Research


The extension activities aim to strengthen university / society relations and contribute, through the realization of different academic actions, to the discussion of contemporary society themes (courses and updating projects).

There are scientific initiation notices published by the Dean of Extension



The laboratories are spaces that articulate initiatives to support the teaching, research and extension activities of the Departments of Social Sciences and Anthropology, of the Center for Human Sciences, Letters and Arts (CCHLA).



The Laboratory for Teaching Research and Extension in Social Sciences (LABEPECS), linked to the Departments of Social Sciences and Anthropology, was created in 202. It carries out activities in which it intends to respond to the challenges posed to the social sciences on two fronts. The first discusses the problems of the course with students and teachers in the perspective of finding ways to face them. The second, to promote reflection and training activities on the challenges posed to Social Sciences in a historical moment crossed by profound and disruptive changes.



The Ethnography, Image and Sound Laboratory, created in 2017, is linked to the Department of Anthropology (DAN). It provides technical support to the activities carried out by the research groups, offers ethnographic training, research, extension and production of sound and audiovisual material for undergraduate and graduate students who choose Anthropology as a disciplinary option.



Four journals are linked to departments and postgraduate courses in Social Sciences and Anthropology: Chronos ( -, Inter-Legere (, Equatorial ( https: // www / revista_equatorial /) and Vivência - Revista de Antropologia ( e



In addition to the research, extension and technical support scholarships, there are different types of aid available through public notices from the Dean of Student Affairs: scholarships and assistance in terms of food, transportation, residence, day care, eyeglasses and athletes http: //

Interview Date for Food, Transport and Housing Aid (With Social Worker - SEBTT)



05/14/2021 to 05/21/2021
→ Registration for the period 2021.1.

06/07/2021 to 06/08/2021
→ Re-registration for the 2021.1 period.

→ Beginning of the school term 2021.1.

→ Beginning of the class lockout period 2021.1.

→ End of class lockout period 2021.1.

→ End of term 2021.1.

[Recess 9/19 to 10/17/2021]



09/30/2021 to 07/10/2021
→ Registration for the period 2021.2

10/18/2021 to 10/19/2021
→ Re-registration for the period 2021.2

→ Beginning of the school term 2021.2

→ Beginning of the class lockout period 2021.2

→ End of class lockout period 2021.2


[Recess 12/20/2021 to 8/8/2022]


→ End of term 2021.2.



Tarcisio Medeiros




Julie Cavignac



Cesar Sanson



E-mail: Not available at this moment

Professional Title: Not available at this moment CNPQ's Knowledge Area: Ciências Humanas Academic Agreement : Not available at this moment Course Modality: Presencial Alternative Address:
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  • 10/01/2024 - 17/01/2024 · Enrollment for the semester 2024.1.
  • 26/02/2024 · Start of semester 2024.1.
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