CONTENT CURATION AT UNIVERSITY EXTENSION: the treatment of information in digital social networks and its implications
Content Curation. Digital social networks. University Extension. Information Management.
The extension activities of a University constitute a fair amount of its institutional face to the community. However, the people responsible for the actions, projects, courses and extension groups pay little attention to the treatment of information in their practices. Thus, the dissemination of information through digital social networks does not meet ideal parameters of efficiency and effectiveness. This dissertation aims to investigate how content curation tools can contribute to the dissemination of information on digital social networks by extension groups from the School of Music of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (EMUFRN). The monographic procedure research used a qualitative approach, with an exploratory purpose, to investigate six extension music groups from that school. The specific objectives were: to investigate the informational objectives, the human and technical resources of these extension actions; to analyze the performance of its digital social media managers from the content curation point of view; to identify and analyze techniques and elements of content curation used at the social media profiles; and, finally, to offer an information policy that helps the dissemination of information in the context of the digital social networks of EMUFRN's extension actions. The results showed that: digital social networks do not receive its due importance at the institutional project stage; there is still little dimension of the potential of networks to expand and build audiences; there is an excess of self-referential content and little value added in the analyzed profiles.