social entrepreneurship. innovation. impact business. persons with disabilities.
It was only between 1990 and 2000 that the term Social Entrepreneurship was spread in Brazil. Social entrepreneurship, above all, is an innovative action aimed at the social field whose process begins with the observation of a particular local problem situation, for which one seeks, then, to develop an alternative to face it. In this line of action, Entrepreneurship with social impact stands out in this study, where the entrepreneur seeks financial profit for his own benefit but causes a certain social impact where he acts through his Impact Business/startup, which aligns the resolution of problems socio-environmental and profit generation. Thus, identifying as a problem situation the reduced inclusion of people with disabilities in the job market even in the face of available PWD professionals, technological and innovative tools are necessary to facilitate the PWD hiring process for companies. Develop and validate a technology capable of connecting PcD professionals from the job market and training with accessibility, increasing inclusion and organizational diversity. Within this purpose, descriptive research was carried out to understand the behavior of companies in relation to PWDs in Rio Grande do Norte. Additionally, the potential use of the developed technology was evaluated, through applied research with companies and professionals. Thus, the dynamics of the RN market, its bottlenecks and opportunities were understood, and the application of Inclutec technology and its ability to allocate professionals and increase inclusion and diversity in companies were evaluated, proving to be a viable and scalable business.