Programmable Logic Controller Applied to Efficiency, Maintenance and Internet Management of things
Programmable Logic Controller, Industry 4.0, Efficiency
Currently, Brazil faces a continuous drop in sales in its industrial sector. As production costs do not accompany the billing reduction, this event causes the unit cost of production to increase which is a reflection of the low productivity and competitiveness of the industries. In this context, the theme “Industry 4.0” has been much debated and several countries have built guidelines to leverage the resumption of industrial growth. Accompanying the development of lean manufacturing, the concepts of “Internet of Things” and “Big Data” are taking on major proportions. In this way, a trend for the future is to adopt these new technologies. Among the available technologies, the Programmable Logic Controller Applied to Efficiency Management, Maintenance and Internet of Things is presented: a device focused on connectivity and productivity that aims to bring together industries of all sizes and the “Industry 4.0”. Considering from the PLC remote programming functionality to statistical analysis of production into a single product, the expectancy is the industry have access to state-of-the-art technology at an affordable price. Finally, as a way of exporting a feasibility of adopted and relevant technologies, a study on statistical indices was carried out and how technological contributions can influence the efficiency of the packaging industry of a food industry.