Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 18/12/2020
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: sala virtual

ART AND MOVEMENT: The viability of a permanent teaching project in Basic Education in a public school in Goianinha / RN


Permanent project, Painting, Drawing, Visual Arts.

BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

It is a work whose main objective is to show the feasibility and how a permanent project in Art with drawing and painting was developed at the João Tibúrcio State School, located in Goianinha / RN. The project is called Arte e Movimento, which allowed the direct contact of the students with the art produced in the school space through the appropriation of techniques and theoretical knowledge on Visual Arts. Our object of study is the movement process occurred when the students propose to participate in a project in Art. This work is based on the competences and skills mentioned by the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN, 1997), which allows students to acquire new knowledge such as knowledge about artists and movements in each passage of time, as well as new styles and artists emerged throughout the History of Art, which should guide the realization of artistic productions, individual and collective proposed by the teacher and the own group of students of this school, our research field. It is justified by the combination of multiple factors. Firstly, our personal fulfillment as a teacher, observing that there were students in the classroom, who showed interest and need to be involved in something that would help them to give a meaning or a new meaning for their lives. Hence the proposal contributes to give shape and color to the lives of those who were taking part in a project that was not available at school before. Our research locus is the João Tibúrcio State School, located in Goianinha / RN, having as references Larrosa, (2001). Barbosa (2003), Ostrower (2014), Pareyson (2001), ferraz e fusari (2002)), among others. Our research questions are: What are the possibilities of movements that can be developed through this Art project carried out by the students in the school context? Would there be the possibility of a learning and creativity experiment through drawing and painting at school? Is it possible to undertake through drawing and have a better life? We therefore consider the relevance of our study, since, as a qualitative and descriptive methodology, it can contribute to the perception of the participants' perspectives and points of view through the art of painting and drawing at school.

Externo à Instituição - DIEGO SOUZA DE PAIVA
Presidente - 1674328 - MARCOS ALBERTO ANDRUCHAK
Interna - 221.918.794-20 - MARINEIDE FURTADO CAMPOS - UFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 08/12/2020 19:18
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