PROF-ARTES is a Professional Master’s Degree Program, in a national network, with area of concentration in the Teaching of Arts. The program has been awarded grade 4 by CAPES.
Higher Education Institutions Associated to the PROF-ARTES network:
State University of São Paulo (UNESP)
State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC)
University of Brasília (UnB)
Federal University of Ceará (UFC)
Federal University of Bahia (UFBA)
Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA)
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB)
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU)
Coordinated by the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), PROF-ARTES’s purpose is to provide continuing education to teachers of Arts of the public Basic Education network, proposing discussions about the role of teaching arts in school and in the community.
The program has a semi-presential structure with the provision of two foundation courses in the distance learning modality, three compulsory courses and three electives, in addition to the carrying out of an end-of-program project with in-person supervision.
In order to participate in PROF-ARTES, the candidates must be teachers of the public Basic Education (Fundamental Education and High School) network, holders of a higher education diploma accredited by the Ministry of Education/MEC, and must be teaching arts classes (Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Music) in Public Schools and/or in Cultural Institutions.
Line of research: Processes of teaching, learning and creation in arts
Description: This line investigates the processes of teaching, learning and creation in arts, relating the formative practices and their connections with the artistic languages of the Visual Arts, Dance, Music, Theater, in addition to their mediatic consequences. This line of research focuses on studies that bring the artistic practices closer to the teaching processes.
Professors: Marcilio de Souza Vieira, Marcos Alberto Andruchak, Nara Graça Salles (collaborator), Rogério Júnior Correia Tavares.
Line of research: Theoretical-methodological approaches of the teaching practices
Description: This line is dedicated to the relations between the theoretical and methodological approaches related to the teaching of the Visual Arts, of Dance, of Music, of Theater, in addition to its mediatic consequences. This line of research focuses on studies dedicated to the methodological and experimental perspectives of the practices in the classroom.
Professors: Arlete dos Santos Petry, Laís Guaraldo, Marineide Furtado Campos (collaborator).
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Artes
Departamento de Artes - UFRN
Av. Senador Salgado Filho, 3000
Campus Universitário – Bairro Lagoa Nova
CEP: 59078-900 – NATAL/RN – BRASIL
Contact Information:
Phone: +55 84 3342-2398
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 02:30 p.m. to 06:00 p.m.
Jorge Henrique Melo (secretary)
Arlete dos Santos Petry
Marcos Alberto Andruchak
Telephone number: (84) 99229-6445
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment
Telephone number: (84) 99229-6445
Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment