Psychology; Marxismo; Scientific Production.
Since 1970, in Brazil, the socio-economic and political situation challenge Psychology to
evaluate its audience, references, areas of operation, and the social value of the profession:
the context triggers the so-called “Crisis of relevance”. The theoretical effort to respond to the
crises culminates in the productions that later make up the list of Critical Psychologies
(Lacerda, 2013). Marxism emerges from this block as an influence on some of these
perspectives. The Marxist perspective is considered here as the theoretical-methodological
field that can contribute to a truly transformative Psychology, as its ultimate goal is human
emancipation. Given what has been exposed, we are interested in investigate what
possibilities arise from the relationship of Marxism with Psychology, problematizing how this
relationship occurs in Brazil, based on the scientific production of the area. Thus, the
questions that move the research are: What are the possible relationships between Psychology
and Marxism in the Brazilian scientific context? What is the demand or justification for this
type of scientific production? What do the authors seek to achieve by adopting such
articulations? As a result of this effort, the objective was to generate a map of Brazilian
scientific production in Psychology from the perspective of Marxism. 124 articles were
collected, categorized in an electronic database, and analyzed in two blocks: scientometric
and thematic. It was identified that the productions come mainly from public universities in
the Southeast of the country; published in journals with high Qualis evaluation; it was found
that most are theoretical studies; they are articles linked to various areas of Psychology, but
mainly to Educational Psychology. In the studies, the apprehension of fundamental categories
of Marx was observed, albeit in a residual form. In the relationship of Marxism with
Psychology, indirectly, it is possible to see this articulation through authors or perspectives of
the area, such as Vigotski and Historical-Cultural Psychology, these being a synonym for
Psychology of what would be Marxism. Furthermore, Marxism also appears overlapped with
other theoretical perspectives that have any less dialogue with it, denoting that the work is not
based on Marxism, although concepts of the tradition are present. In summary, different
modalities of articulation are put forward for Psychology and Marxism, with no prevalence of
how the area appropriates the reference. The articulation takes place as a foundation for a
Psychology of Marxist inspiration, as a critique of Psychology, and as a complement to
psychological analyses (Calviño, 2013). It is considered indispensable that the approach to
the reference evokes reflections for Psychology, to question the individualization and
psychologization of structural phenomena and reinforce the perception of its role as a
working class and agent of change.