Powers of Memory - Cartographies of Minor Memories in Potiguar Mental Health”
Memory; Testimony; Mental health; Psychiatric reform; Production of subjectivity.
This thesis addresses the defense of a minor memory and history in the field of mental health in Rio
Grande do Norte, based on the narration, testimonies, and reports of health network users who
make up an anti-asylum collective in Natal. Although we find, in the history of the Brazilian
Psychiatric Reform, the report of various experiences bringing the particularities and characteristics
of this movement, we point out the low frequency and, sometimes, even the absence of the report of
mental health network users, many of them witnesses and historical actors of the psychiatric reform
process. Supported by the Walter Benjamin’s theses of history, experience, and narration, as well as
the contributions of the thought of Deleuze, Guattari, and Institutional Analysis, we sought to make
a cartography of the memories of these users through interviews, following the anti-asylum
collective, and the production of letters, as an aesthetic element of producing a narration of their
experiences, to think about another history of mental health in Rio Grande do Norte. The
development of the research followed a contextualization of the historical moment in which it is
inserted, followed by the methodological bases that support a research of cartographic immersion of
the memories of the network users. Through a bibliographic review on memory, its collectivization,
and transmission, we sought to go through classic European authors, approaching decolonial
authors to think about the production of a minor memory, taken here in analogy to the concept of
minor literature, as a subversion of a minority in a major language or condition of revolution of all
literature, situated within the established universal literature, from collective enunciation
assemblages, the deterritorialization of language, and political dimension. Through the resource of
producing letters from the reports of the interviews, we sought to articulate the concepts brought in
a way to tension the relationship between knowledge and experience, in addition to a collective
construction of ways to publicize these mapped memories/stories, creating, together with the other
participants of the research, spaces where these stories can continue to be shared.