Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 12/12/2022
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Auditório C do CCHLA



 violence against woman; prevention; education

PAGES: 205
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

The purpose of this study was analyze the boundaries and potentialities of program to prevent violence against women developed on estadual educational instance of RN. Denominated “Programa Maria da Penha vai à Escola” (Maria da Penha goes to school program) (PROMAPE), which is from the law 10.330/2018, that aligned with Law Maria da Penha, has about the debate about gender equality and basic notion of LMP on education, in order to prevent violence against women. In RN, between 2011 and 2020, 1.050 women were killed in the State because of femicide, in other words, for lethal intentional violent conduct, which 83% of victims were between 15 and 49 years old and 76,2% were black women. These datas result from a society structurally patriarchal-racist-capitalist, that prints determinations of inequality, oppression and violences on women’s and younger’s life. Therefore, were selected specific purposes: a) character the program, b) investigate the implications of implementation and development at schools and c) problematize it contribution, next to scholars representatives envolved, that experienced the program interventions and next to coordinators whose developed. About method, were advanced 2 phases: documental and interviewing. Thus, were produced 9 interviews semi-structured and individuals, with PROMAPE coordinators and scholars representatives of target school of the program. The analysis of data is  supported on materialism historic-dialect, incorporated to a feminist Marxist perspective, that possibilities the critical analysis about social relations and denaturalization of several oppressions that women are submitted. The results are organized in categories grouped on three axes discussion: perceptions of violence against woman, expression of violence and the school, and the experience of the program of violence against woman prevention on the estadual network of education. The results demonstrate that violence against young girls and women is a phenomenon though education and the school, and reproduces on this context in many ways. Despite this expression, there is still a unfamiliarity about the role of education in front of the violence cases, as well as the protection network itself and treatment, and external procedures. It was verified that, despite the conservative context, discussions that envolves violence against woman as strategies of confrontation and prevention have already been carried out by schools before the PROMAPE intervention. On the other hand, the results indicate also, that still necessary improvements on the program, to enable effective prevention to violence, since still have limited reach and interventions. This way, it is understood that the program, although fundamental for the prevention of violence and for the consciousness process, can not effectively confront the violence, since do not achieve the bases of social structure patriarchal-racist-capitalist. It is concluded that PROMAPE, can be one possibility to prevent violence against woman, specially for it intervention being realized in the education field, however, presupposes structural modifications, reach and methodological proposal, to promote effective changes, without disregard it limitation intrinsic of answer to the complexity violence against woman.

Interna - 1720819 - ILANA LEMOS DE PAIVA
Externo à Instituição - JULIANO BECK SCOTT - UFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 08/12/2022 14:54
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