Clinical approach to the mobilization of competencies in the work activity of the teacher/manager
competences; research-intervention; teacher/manager; clinic of the activity;
The present study aimed to analyze and problematize the processes of development, precariousness and mobilization of competences in the activity of the teacher/manager in public university management. The theoretical operators were proposed based on the integration between the references of work psychology and historical-cultural psychology advocated by the Clinic of Activity and anchored in the debate on human competences, from a francophone approach. Having this objective as a starting point, it was possible to recover and contribute to the densification of the theoretical debate regarding the notion of competence in the context of work psychology, starting from an individualistic vision to the historical-cultural perspective, in which the challenge, in a panorama of social precariousness that the competence model proposes to face, was to overcome the “workplace logic”. From the method point of view, we carried out three studies focusing on the analysis of the interventions carried out by UFRN for the implementation of the National Policy for the Development of Persons of the Federal Public Administration and on the analysis of the activity of the professor/manager from interviews (semi-structured and instruction to the double), application of a questionnaire and participant observation. Therefore, the activities of department heads were delimited as a management function defined to participate in the research and the co-analysis of the activity was used to interpret the data found. For this, we adopted the intervention research with 26 department heads from UFRN and 25 from the National University of Córdoba (UNC)-Argentina, during the period of the sandwich doctorate carried out in this country. The results of the first study pointed out that: 1) the elements that form the management activity are inscribed in the tradition of the teaching profession (métier), characterized by the teacher's action as a manager; 2) the existence of a false triad (teaching-research-extension), basing the teaching work in the Brazilian university context, even though the management activity is characterized as one of the dimensions of teaching work, thus establishing a “tetrad” ( teaching-research-extension-management); 3) the relationship between the prescribed and the real established, in the professional genre, the strength exerted by the activities belonging to teaching, but with the specificity of being affiliated with management activities, characterized by “obligations” shared by the department heads, regularly, even in the face of obstacles and the prescribed organization of work. and 4) the triple role and multi-activity configuration in the department head's work tetrad. In the second study, we sought to evaluate the interrelationship between the dimensions of the activity, interlocutions with the professional genre and health and work. This study made it possible to understand that the management activity is shown as an artifact or a device of subjective mobilization of health/illness at work, understood here as linked not only to a solitary management project, but to a concatenated, shared action. , inscribed within the same professional genre of teachers and present in this peculiar way of managing. Finally, in the third study, a dialectic between activity and occupation emerged, demonstrated from the perception that the dialogical activities produced in the instruction to the double portrayed family actions in the exercise of the leadership role, however devoid of a reference to a collective of work that functioned in the management activity. We are referring to a probable fragility of the professional genre, since this implies the constitution of possibilities for action, implies a common space, beyond individualized strategies. In this sense, this difficulty in building or maintaining a professional genre leads to an impoverishment of work and psychological suffering, situations that can lead to ineffectiveness at work and its precariousness.