Phenomenological-Existential Understandings about the Experience of Suicide in Childhood: “and does it Exist?”
Suicide; Childhood; Death; Suffering; Phenomenological Research.
Childhood suicide is an invisible phenomenon and crossed by several taboos, among the misthe my
thof a happy childhood that believes that this phase of life is marked only by joys, dreams and
lightness, free from pain and suffering. Thus, this article, theres ultof a master's thes is, aim stounder
stand the experience of child suicide from the narratives of children who expressed suicidal idea
tionor attempts. Methodologically, this research is anchored in Heidegger´s Hermeneutical Circle as
interpretetive possibility. In this work, we will present excerpts from the meetings that took place with
two participating children, who brought in their speeches unveilings of stories that brought loneliness
as a mark of a time and narratives crossed by violence and conflicts, in the face of the
inhospitableness of a world where existence became burden and death presenteditself in the web of
meanings as a way to deal with suffering.