juvenile justice; criminology; war on drugs; criminal groups; Estado.
This thesis aims to analyze how the socio-educative measure of detention constitutes an instrument of criminalization, reduction of vulnerabilities, or reinforcement of a stigmatizing position. For this purpose, this work focuses on four contemporary questions related to teenagers institutionalized in juvenile detention houses. They are: the connection between the mechanisms of penal management of misery and the development of neoliberalism in Brazil; the relationship between adolescents undergoing socio-educative measures and criminal groups known as factions; the prohibitionist drug policy as a fundamental axis of the process of criminalization of poverty; and the limits and possibilities offered by the socio-educative deprivation of liberty measures, analyzing how they can contribute to the creation of tools that allow breaking the infraction trajectory. The main conclusions show that, in the first place, there is, in force in Brazil, a penal-necropolitical State of exception, that is, a state form characterized by the management of the refuse of the market society through penal mechanisms - in which deprivation of liberty is inserted – and by the direct and indirect production of death. Furthermore, it is observed that the advance of neoliberal ideology and the reorganization of the Brazilian right-wing in the period after the 2016 coup d'État contributed to the intensification of punitive and genocidal technologies orchestrated by the State or developed with its endorsement. In this respect, one of the foundations of the penal-necropolitical State of exception is embodied in Law nº 11.343/2006, which operates as an ineffective instrument concerning its declared objectives - that is, to reduce consumption, trade, and circulation of substances. illegal – but effective in undeclared functions, such as serving as an instrument for the criminalization and summary execution of poor and black people, who occupy the most impoverished sectors of the Brazilian working class. As regards the relationship between adolescents who are serving a socio-educative internment measure and criminal factions, qualitative research in two socio-educational units in Rio Grande do Norte made it possible to build three ideal-typical models to understand the phenomenon: discursive binding, territorial binding, and effective binding. It is observed that behind the narrative of “factionalized teenagers” there are manifold forms of binding and multiple reasons for them to occur. In addition, this work also points out that, although there is an effort on the part of the socio-educative system to consider pedagogical aspects and not just punitive-repressive aspects in its operationalization, socio-education is anchored in a dead end: aiming to adjust the deviant without considering that the crime and the criminal are products of the social relations in which the individual is inserted. Thus, even if the socio-educative system assumes, on a theoretical level, a progressive posture, it continues to function in a similar way to the set of other penal policies, i. e., as a mechanism for physically storing people, mostly poor and black. Hence, the socio-educative system is based on a fundamental contradiction, which makes it impossible to offer adolescents the necessary conditions to break the deviant trajectory, considering that the production and reproduction of the crime are more related to how society organizes itself than the individual attributes. However, to foment to the construction of a socio-education that can contribute to the reduction of adolescents' vulnerabilities, this thesis presents active listening and the refusal of ethnocentrism as theoretical-methodological principles to be considered in working with adolescents incarcerated in socio-educative houses.