Adolescence; school exclusion; compensatory education; Accelerated Learning.
This research is based on the need to contribute in discussions about the schooling of excluded from school adolescents phenomenon through Accelerated Learning Program - Poronga. This is the materialization of the Roberto Marinho Foundation's Telecurso 2000 Program, implemented in Acre since 2002 to 2019. The Project is considered as an expression of compensatory education for adolescents, in the context of educational reforms under the characteristics of Third Way neoliberalism and the commodification of the education. According to authors from Historical-Cultural Psychology, it is understood that formal education is essential to the human formation process, as it is expected that an educational program aimed at facing school failure provides teaching and learning conditions that promote the development of adolescents, and if they don’t, it contributes to promote a double exclusion disguised as inclusion. The objective was to identify and analyze the contributions, limits and impediments related to the education of adolescents, through compensatory education, in the context of capitalism. The following specific objectives were outlined: 1) to investigate, from the students' social reality, possible defining aspects of school exclusion; 2) apprehend the meanings attributed to the educational process in Poronga, analyzing the expectations of different school actors in relation to the program and the reality experienced; 3) identify whether Poronga, as a compensatory educational program, complied or not the assumptions of adolescents education. The research was carried out in the city of Cruzeiro do Sul-AC, based on empirical investigation procedures: a) a questionnaire answered by 37 students about school life and some socioeconomic data; b) individual semi-structured interview conducted with seven students from two classes at Poronga; six family members (mothers and sister); two Poronga teachers and two pedagogical coordinators. From the organization and previous analysis of the data, it was found that the teaching-learning unit is not the core element of the educational process in the Program, which in itself limits the learning-development conditions for the adolescents. Therefore, the thesis defended is that, despite the Telecurso Program being presented as a successful program and that it has the necessary tools to compensate the students' deficit in terms of learning, it actually lends itself much more to compensating for the deficit in terms of lost years, but not in terms of learning, consequently promotes a second school exclusion of adolescents who are already socially excluded.