Dimensions of working activity in Dejour’s clinic: metatheoretical and historical investigation
Psychodinamic clinic of working activity, metatheoretical research, working activity as category.
In this ongoing doctoral research, it is intended to make the metatheoretical reconstitution of the category work in the psychodynamic clinic of work, from its rupture with the psychopathology of work to its current theoretical-methodological positioning. Founded in the 1980s, the psychodynamic clinic of work brings theoretical and epistemological references of ergonomics, psychoanalysis, hermeneutics, the psychopathology of work itself and also other fields with which its founder, Christophe Dejours, dialogued throughout an academic and professional trajectory of almost four decades. By assuming the psychic suffering inherent to the relationship between man-work as an object of investigation and intervention – overcoming the causal link between work and illness – psychodynamics bears the marks of a French historical context in which this theme emerges as a social demand and starts to appear in the intellectual and political debates of the time. In the same wake, the concept of work throughout the theoretical development of the author changes, both as in widening his epistemological references and as the transformations are made in the technical basis, in the organization and management of the workforce: from the "work" as a way to fill the gap between the prescribed and the real , until the living work and the centrality of the work, a long journey took place, which we intend to unseede through metatheoretical research understood as a process of investigation of theories and concepts from their logical, ontological and epistemological foundations.