Family Conflict Mediation; Judicial Mediation; Mediators; Institutional analysis.
Family Court lawsuits have increased considerably in recent years. This is explained by the increased separation and consequent need for parents to seek the judiciary as a means of guaranteeing their rights, including the full participation in their children's lives. Families in conflict tend not to make their own decisions: they go to court for a third party to help them. They find in the lawsuit the only communication channel to solve problems related to divorce, alimony, child custody / visits, unilateral adoption, investigation and recognition of paternity. Imbalances are identified in the legal disputes that expect the state to compensate for the parties' inability to resolve their conflicts, which are largely unresolvable by court decisions. Due to the current crisis in the judiciary, the State Power has developed a public policy to implement Judicial Centers for Consensual Conflict Resolution and Citizenship (CEJUSCs), using Conciliation and Conflict Mediation as an interdisciplinary and institutionalized field of know-how in the Sticks. family's. This research aims at Family Conflict Mediation and aims to analyze, from the perspective of Institutional Analysis, the practices of family mediators. As specific objectives: a) to know the “orders” and “demands” made to the mediators in their practices in Family Law; b) to analyze the forces (institutions) that cross the production of this demand, as well as the interventions proposed by the mediators (supply analysis) and, c) to identify what knowledge and technologies are operated by the mediators in this context. Methodologically, it adopts a qualitative perspective, using observation of the institutional reality and semi-structured interviews conducted with family mediators of the capital of Paraiba, allowing to understand its functioning. Analyzers were elucidated, which emerged from reading the data built in the field and then observed the lines of forces that acted on this device.