Policy of insertion of psychologists in Residências Multiprofissionais em Saúde in Teaching
Psychology; Multiprofessional Residence; SUS; Teaching; Higher education.
The study investigated the interference cause by training Residência Multiprofissional (Multi-professional Residencies - RMS) in the teaching trajectory of psychologists. The RMS are configured as Post-Graduation Lato Sensu, aimed at training in service from the Permanent Education in Health (EPS). This is a qualitative research oriented by authors of the post-critical theories of Public Health, Psychology and Education. Fifty-one psychologists from community-based programs were identified, of whom 23 are or have been teaching acording Lattes platform. It was interviewed 17 graduates with ages ranging from 28 to 39 years; mostly with more than 5 years of training in public and private universities; and with less than five years of RMS. As for the teaching time, they are distributed among more than five years of teaching experience; between five and two years; and with less than two years of experience. Most accumulate health care and / or technical assistance activities together with teaching. The semi-structured face-to-face and distance interviews were transcribed and categorized into four axes: Professional Trajectory, RMS Contributions, Teaching Practices and Relationship between teacher trajectory and RMS. Most of the graduates began their professional trajectory in public policies or RMS. The RMS experience has the potential to provoke an ethical-political-pedagogical twist in the face of the hegemonic model of health formation and of triggering other ways of doing psychology, producing engagement and materiality for the teaching work. The teaching trajectory is a production that can not be separated from the scenario of labor market retraction in the public sector, expansion of vacancies in the private educational sector. As a teacher, he faces challenges in operationalizing EPS's pedagogical principles, especially the resistance of teachers and students to active learning methodologies, traditional pedagogy discourses and theory-practice detachment.