Statute of the Child and Adolescent; street child; social movements; public policies; oral history.
The National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CONANDA) has been constructing guidelines for the care of the child and adolescent population in street situations, since there are still violating practices on the part of the Public Power in Brazil, even after the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA). This work aimed to carry out a historical rescue of the policy of caring for street children in the city of Natal / RN. The research is inspired by the foundations of historical-dialectical materialism and used the historical method from the perspective of oral history. The semistructured interviews with two professionals from each of the services / programs / projects aligned with the work perspective were studied based on the analysis of the thematic content, considering: history of services / programs / projects, theoretical and methodological references, activities developed, and challenges and work potentialities. The results indicate four services / programs / projects with this target audience: National Movement of Street Boys and Girls (MNMMR), the "third sector"; Program Canteiros, Specialized Service in Social Approach (SEAS) and Office in the street (CNAR), linked to the public power. The MNMMR had a mobilizing and political role, promoting the child and adolescent population as active subjects in the defense of their rights, and having as main guiding axis the construction of affective bonds of respect and trust. The Canteiros Program had coercive street-based practices and recurrent institutional shelters for children and adolescents. The SEAS and the CNAR try to resume the actions of guarantees of rights, providing guidelines based on respect for the autonomy of the subjects, exempting hygienic practices. All the services / programs / projects mentioned the deficiency of the Public Power in providing the support, especially, culminating in challenges and gaps in the service network.