PIAFEX-SD: Intervention Program in Self-Regulation and Executive Functions for Down Syndrome
Down's syndrome; Executive functions; Neuropsychological intervention; Neuropsychological evaluation.
Deficits in executive functions (FE) have been highlighted as one of the characteristics of the cognitive functioning of Down Syndrome (DS). Difficulties are identified in initiating activities, building plans and strategies, updating and monitoring them, maintaining focus and persistence, and cognitive flexibility, among other aspects. These impairments negatively impact the development of these individuals and point to the need for the elaboration of intervention programs that seek to stimulate the development of EFs in this clinical subgroup, since these functions are considered fundamental for the accomplishment of several activities of our daily life, especially for learning and school success. In this sense, the present research had the objective of adapting to the clinical group of the SD an interventional program of the Executive Functions. In order to achieve this goal, two studies were carried out: Study I: I) Investigation of aspects of the Neuropsychological Phenotype of children with DS; and study II) PIAFEX-SD: Intervention Program in Self-Regulation and Executive Functions for SD. Participants in the study included 30 children diagnosed with DS, aged 7 to 12 years, of both sexes, as well as their respective parents or guardians. These were assessed through specific neuropsychological scales and measures. The results of this study contributed to the understanding of aspects of the neuropsychological phenotype of SD, aspects that were taken into account in the adaptation of the intervention in study II, such as the pronounced deficits in working memory, the level of development lowered in the different subdomains of the adaptive behavior, the observed mental ages and the presence or absence of ADHD symptoms in these children and the impact of this for their results. In relation to study II, initially, a detailed analysis of the modules and activities that compose PIAFEX was carried out, aiming to select them and adapt them to the neuropsychological phenotype of SD. After the adaptation, the program was sent to specialists judges in the SD, with the objective of evaluating it, as well as making possible its improvement and / or reformulation. After the synthesis of the judges' evaluation, the program was piloted with a group of three children with DS, in order to verify their suitability for this clinical group. At the end of this process, the program was reviewed and the last modifications were made. This research made possible the availability to the population with DS of an unprecedented intervention program aimed at the stimulation of FE. Therefore, this study may serve as a basis for subsequent interventions and instrumentalize the work, in the future, of several professionals who work with these children, either in a clinical context or in a school context.