Executive functions and creativity in high intellectual potential
intelligence; high abilities; giftedness; creativity; executive functions.
Despite the lack of consensus on the definition of giftedness, the main theorists agree that it is not a unitary concept, but a multifaceted phenomenon to be inferred from a constellation of traits or characteristics. This research adopts Renzulli's triadic model (1986, 2004), which conceives gifted behaviors in the interaction of three factors: above average ability, task involvement and creativity. Recent research points out executive functions (EF)) as important predictor of school success, with greater impact on learning than IQ, reading level or mathematical reasoning. In this sense, such a proposal is justified by the need for advanced understanding of higher psychological processes and intellectual capacity in specific populations, including in this equation creative production measures. This research is linked to TalentoMetrópoleProgram (IMD/UFRN), whose objective is to offer young people identified as talented, training and development of their potential. Purpose statementsIn this sense, this project aims to investigate the relationships between EF, creativity and high intellectual potential. Specifically, it proposes to evaluate the level of figural creativity of the groups; to verify hypotheses of differentiation of the performance of the sample after a determined level of intelligence; and verify the predictive power of intelligence in the domains investigated. The predictive value of high intellectual potential in EF and figural creativity (correlational study) and Study 2) Performance in verbal and visuospatial working memory measures at different levels of intelligence (exploratory research). Method The final sample is composed of adolescents and young adults, aged between 12 and 23 years, divided into three groups intellectually distinct, namely: CG) control group formed by youngsters with average intelligence (percentile greater than 25 and inferior to 75); GE) study group formed by youngsters with superior intelligence (percentile equal or superior to 95 in the Raven Progressive Matrices test) and GAH) group formed by young people with the AH / SD profile. Results Concerning Study 1, it was concluded that the group with above-average intelligence performs better in most of the measures evaluated. In the evaluation of figural creativity, the groups differ in specific aptitudes related to factors 1 and 3 of creativity (enrichment of ideas and creative preparation). The results from Study 2 confirm the participation of intelligence in working memory tasks, suggesting differentiated weights between subsystems. ANOVA results confirm the best fit of the model with predictors. A high correlation between intelligence measures and performance in tasks of higher executive demand was identified, corroborating hierarchical organizational models of these FEs. Positive and moderate correlations were found among all subcomponents of working memory. ConsiderationsUltimately, it is concluded that the intelligence measure adopted provides the creative characteristics with greater statistical significance and magnitude than the executive functioning measures. In a context of above-average intelligence, flexibility is related to creative ability, especially in terms of unusual perspective and elaboration.