Rural, old age, aging, constructionism, production of meanings
Understanding the rural as a territory home to multiple forms of living, manifesting in a different way in each
sociocultural context and lived in a peculiar way taking the various age groups and also considering the elderly as
a person older than or equal to sixty years of age. (2003), the present research sought, in the collective
construction of knowledge, to compose and discuss the rural senses produced by elderly people living in the
community of Arisco do Sutero, in the interior of the State of Rio Grande From north. Starting from a
methodological theoretical bias based on Social Constructionism, using semi-structured interviews, which are intended conversations, guided by issues related to rural, aging, old age, work and community life. We sought to produce meanings of rural, as well as placements with thirteen elderly people of the community (six elderly and seven elderly). The senses of rural have pointed to: agriculture, food, water, work, health, site, field, bush, interior, area, everything in life, unassisted, tranquility. The elderly have a series of precarious conditions that are also imposed on others, however, the fact that they are assisted by retirement guarantees some access, and therefore to those with whom they have ties (family and friends of the community). Work, family and community life have emerged as the basic crossings of those people who have aged (continue to grow old) and live old age with autonomy in an environment where they are accustomed, can continue to do what they like, contribute actively to the wellbeing and permanence of younger generations, are respected and integrated, sharing responsibilities with others.